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Arrived here yesterday for a week. Having just read (mistakenly) the CDA Services website with not enough salt being pinched, I thought that there would be an array of new businesses ready to launch. Within a few seconds of walking into the Al Kazar nothing had changed since my last visit in November and if there is any work ongoing it is very well hidden. If any business wishes to open before the season gets under way they have some way to go!
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What about the American Diner? Has progress been made, or do you not expect that to open in the next few months?
With No Paramount, No Corvera (well this year at least! ) and no American diner, I am beginning to think CDA services mislead me?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Darren, it was the American Diner that I was hoping to see. No chance. Having seen the advert for jobs on CDA Services website with what is obviously a mocked up shop front, I thought it would be almost ready to go. The new French restaurant, I think was due to launch this coming Friday. Not even opened the doors to that unit by the looks of things. I know things can change fairly quickly when people pull fingers out, but clearly if these businesses are going to open they are waiting for the foot fall to increase, which may be a mistake as teething troubles are better sorted in quieter times. There are lies, damn lies, statistics and then........................
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We wanted to open a place on there but after trying to organise it for the last 7/8 months we have now been told we cannot do it - despite being told last July/August we could do what we had planned and there was no problems
We have spent months collecting the equipment sorting out licences, costs etc but none of this matters because they have been persuaded by certain business on there not to let us do what we want
Its a massive compliment that certain businesses are so worried about what we wanted to do and now have prevented us from doing this, however its the people on Condado that will suffer as the short sightedness of these people will prevent Al Kasars from developing further for the community by providing a good range of services
Good luck if you are thinking of starting a business there
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Hi all,
I am going out again this summer and was wondering if there is going to any new restuarants, bars etc at Kazar since last summer.
I was hoping to have a bit more choice this year although we did love the Bulgarian one last year, went a number of times.
Is the american dinner and french restaurant not going to be open?
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What were you looking to open then? Or is it top secret? Surely the more choice the merrier we would like to think? As long as you are confident that you can pay the rent etc then we do not see the problem or do IRM see you as a threat?
Liars & cheats always get found out!
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Managed to get a peak into the only unit that is having work done on it at the moment and I think it will be the American burger bar. It is some way off with plasterers and painters still working on the walls and ceilings. I am back in 8 weeks and I will be surprised if it is open by then!
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Leigh Bristol - what a shame you've not been able to open what you wanted to open. More choice and different foods to choose from will get more people out and about and give Al Kasar a good buzz. What a shame you've not been able to open what you wanted. The more the merrier I say! Can you tell us what you wanted and if us residents are keen could we not all lobby the people who said no? I would love to see Al Kasar full of different restaurants. The Madinat in Dubai has approximately 43 different restaurants - all different and most busy - competition is good and it keeps standards high too. Fingers crossed you can get to open your business. Fresh pizzas for delivery would get my vote and a great mexican, indian, chinese, thai ooooh mouth watering now!
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Yes one of our ideas was the laundrette
We did have 3 other ideas though for which we have already got all the equipment - all of which would benefit everybody including the eating establishments
Cant say any more at the minute as we are in discussions with IRM to find out why they have stopped us as the reasons they gave are not true and we ave written proof of this
The only down side is by the time we get this sorted it could well be too late for us to get over there and be fully open in time for the season - which starts Easter - next week. This means we wouldnt be open long enough to take enough money to get us through the winter
The units are quite expensive whereas as Hacienda you get at least 2 years free rent so they are encoouraging new businesses to go there which in the long run benefits the whole community. IRM dont seem to have this foresight which is a shame for Condado
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You are right to question them & also it makes sound sense to take into consideration the winter.
We are not sure of the deal with IRM but what impact does it have on our community charges if units are not let or is it totally separate, if it is then they are clearly non-business like as pretty much all landlords will give you a rent free period as a business, regardless of the recession. It is better to have some oney rather than none?
Liars & cheats always get found out!
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We totally agree with you that its better to get people in the units then once they start to make money the banks can start charging but they seem narrow minded or greedy !
We think the businesses in Al Kasar are seperate to the apartments so it wont make a difference but wouldnt it be great to have Al Kasars full of lots of businesses and see the complex thriving at the prices they want to charge you will lucky to get many more businesses opening
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