Communal Pool

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15 Aug 2013 4:26 PM by craig46 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

craig46´s avatar

I've noticed when reading a couple of forums from other communities, that there seems to be a problem with outsiders using the communal pool (Brits as well as Spanish locals) I would hate to think that I buy into a community where anyone can stroll in and use the pool. Any probs with that in CdA ?

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15 Aug 2013 6:24 PM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

what do you mean anyone? anyone who is staying on the resort or anyone can stroll through security and just jump in the pool?

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15 Aug 2013 8:10 PM by craig46 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

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On the other communities Rodas & Corvera, I think,  they seem to have this problem with locals and non-residents using the pool, yes. There is a long discussion about armbands being issued but it does not seem to have happened yet.


This message was last edited by craig46 on 15/08/2013.

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15 Aug 2013 8:44 PM by petercbeck Star rating in Reigate via Wales & .... 65 forum posts Send private message

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I know that La Torre has had to issue wristbands to counter the problem of people from the local towns coming to the resort to use the pools free of charge.

CdA is more fortunate in that there are no towns in the immediate vicinity, and also we don't have to let in anyone we don't want to.

La Torre, on the other hand, has 2 small towns within easy cycling distance

And they have an additional problem of their roads being public, so thay can't stop anyone from walking/cycling/driving through the gates, security or not.


Peter & Pam - Jardines 1

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16 Aug 2013 7:54 AM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

was going to say, surely we don't have this problem bearing in mind our location.

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16 Aug 2013 8:27 AM by craig46 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

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Going off subject a bit. So given that it is out on it's own, where do the residents shop for essentials ? Is there a small supermarket in  Al kasa or is transport absolutely essential ?

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16 Aug 2013 10:27 AM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Supermarket in Al Kasar. You could just holiday on the resort but if you want to get out and about a hire car is required. Everything is now available for a great holiday on the resort if that's what you're after.

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16 Aug 2013 10:30 AM by craig46 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks. Actually I'm going to be living there year round.

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16 Aug 2013 11:03 AM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

You cn order online for delivery with mercadona supermarket. The supermarket on site is ok for basics like brad water milk and eggs but you'd need to go off site or order on line for good meat etc. if you lived here all the time you'd find your favourite butchers etc we pop to campasol every few dys for a better selection of fresh meat, fish, etc and there's the fabulous English butcher there too.

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16 Aug 2013 1:12 PM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

Craig, CDA has the follwing:





Tennis Courts




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16 Aug 2013 1:51 PM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

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