The Comments |
Hi Everyone
I would be very grateful if you would help a lovely lady who works at the University of Murcia by completing a questionnaire by clicking on the link below: She is really struggling to get enough people to complete this to help in their planning of tourist brochures, it only takes two minutes and everyone in the household that visits Murcia as a tourist can complete the survey individually. I work with her sister who told me about Marta's plight and I knew that many of you would be kind enough to help out.
kind regards
The questionnaire can only be completed by English native speakers.
I really appreciate your time and effort spent on filling in the questionnaire for the study.
Dr. Marta Navarro Coy (supervisor) & Jorge Soto Almela (PhD student)
University of Murcia, Spain
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I just completed the questionnaire and I have to say it was really quite interesting to the point that I actually learnt a few things, so thank you and yes I understand exactly were they are coming from and wish your friends the best of luck. They are putting a lot of thought into trying to best portray and describe particular Spanish customs and culture. A pleasure to help out. Any time! Gabe
_______________________ If the people around you don't change then change the people around you....
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Thank you for completing the quetionnaire Gabe and also for the kind words. I also learned from the questionnaire and hope that this helps the university with the design of interesting tourist brochures that can only benefit tourists. Regards Bee
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like all the other participants, have been happy to complete, and found it fasinating, very interesting, hope more people have a go.
Michael and yvonne
_______________________ Regards
Michael & Yvonne
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What an interesting questionnaire. If my brain can retain everything, which I doubt I will have learnt some interesting things about the region & some new words
Have a go. It is really interesting.
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 07/11/2013.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Excellnt - i hope they have an impact on the way things are described in the future given tourism's importance to the region.
Feels like i recognised some of the pointless descriptions. The clue in this being i like to know the Spanish word for something but then a literal translation into English is veryu useful, that way i learn.
I do wish there had been some examples of building / park / airport etc descriptions as the Spanish focussly heavily on 'size' and for me they over describe the size of something but in the end tell you very little about what it actually is or will do for you (you don't sell something by its description, you sell it by what it can do for someone), they also do loads of fluffy pointless pictures (an attempt to big something up or bulk it out?) which i just get bored with. If something needs describing then say it simply, if one word will do then don't use 10, bigger isn't always better 
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Thanks to all of you who have completed the survey so far and thank you for all the positive comments. Spouses and other family members can also complete individual surveys if they wish.
I'm sorry that Condado or other region of Murcia residents do not qualify to complete the survey as they are not tourists but their family or friends that visit them do qualify. Marta andJorge from the university of Murcia are very grateful.
This message was last edited by beebeetay on 08/11/2013.
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Hi Everyone, I'm Jorge. I have to say I don't have words to explain how happy and grateful I feel for your collaboration in our study. As you know it is focused on the translation of tourist brochures in the Region of Murcia and their users, not only visitors to this area but also residents. So, please if you know other English-speaking people living in Murcia, I would be very grateful if you could give them the link to complete the questionnaire. Thank you again!!
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