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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
21 Feb 2014 10:19 AM by Paul101 Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I am looking at buying at one of the many complexs which have cut price apartments and I have read good and bad on everyone of them. Can anyone give me a feel for Conadda. What I would like to know is the following:

Is it maintained well and are the units of a resonable build quality - noise and climate?

Are there many bars and resturants on site and are they open most of the year?

Are there other bars etc close by that are good to go to?

Are the owners a freindly crowd and what kind of mix of natioanlities is it?

Is there a kids playground on site?

I have read about a lot of breakins is that something you have to live with?

I would appreciate any advise you can give as I am completely blind to the area and it will be our first visit in Mid March to try to find a holiday home to buy.


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21 Feb 2014 2:17 PM by snorkychopper Star rating in England / Spain. 226 forum posts Send private message

snorkychopper´s avatar


I am sure you will be overwhelmed with responses on both sides of the fence, and you really need to go and check it out for yourself, all I would say is we have been owners since it was a dusty hole in the ground and have never regretted it, the resort is improving season by season.

Thankfully there are plenty of facilities on site now, Bars / Restaurants / Gym / Supermarket / Beauty Salon etc  and a good community spirit and activities, the population is predominately English / Spanish / Scandinavian.

There are pictures below from my blog site if of any intrest to you

Good luck with the search



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21 Feb 2014 2:28 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar


I paid full whack for my 3bed in July 2008. 138ke although exchange rate was 1.50 at the time. I got the exact position i wanted in the exact garden i wanted. I haven't regretted it.

If i was offered it now at 80ke in pretty much any position, then I'd buy it.



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21 Feb 2014 3:17 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

Waddle´s avatar

Similar to previous posts, we bought at full price off plan in 2008

Despite the fact the end product bears no relation to the original brochure, we have loved every minute of our ownership and the 4 or 5 visits we make each year are never enough

In the early days you would have struggled without a car with one over priced bar and supermarket on site. However in the last 2-3 years we have seen some significant progress and now we have a good level of choice for eating and drinking without the need to venture off site

We still love the sorrounding area and within 30 mins to 1 hour drive there are numerous great places to visit including the thriving port at Mazarron which has been transformed over the last couple of years

As far as the resort goes, it is beginning to show signs of age in one or two places but we cannot fault the attention shown to the gardens, pools etc and these have really begun to flourish now all the plantings are well established. Find your ideal Jardine and you will fall in love with the place, as most of us on here do

I would encourage you to take a visit and judge for yourself the delights of the area - the real Spain !


Russ & Louise Salud !

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21 Feb 2014 4:11 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Like Shampers, Waddle etc,  we too bought of plan. Chose our position in the garden (Jardin) we wanted and have never regretted it. If we were looking to buy now even if we could not be so choosy we would certainly go ahead and have encouraged friends to do the same.

I love the fact that I am not afraid to holiday alone on Condado. I visit the restaurants of an evening & often walk back to our apartment in Jardin 5 when it is dark. I have never felt frightened. We have really nice English, Spanish & Swedish neighbours & lookily all speak English though we are trying hard to master the Spanish language. My advice is to “try before you buy”

If the idea appeals to you put a request on to this site for the dates you require. There are a lot of rental properties available & so I am sure you will find one to your taste 

Best of Luck. You won’t regret it



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 21/02/2014.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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22 Feb 2014 1:35 AM by Crashtester Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

Hello. We we're in exactly the same position a year ago and we took the plunge and bought a 2 bed Apartment unseen. We hadn't visited condado or Murcia before but after doing some research and talking to people on here we went for it.

It was a great buy! The apartment is awesome, we bought a bank repossession through Andy at Condado Invest and did not know what we would was madness on our part but in the end we calculated the risk. Im pleased to say that The resort is very well kept and we have visited three time since our place was bought in June. People are friendly and helpful and There is enough on site to keep you in beer and food for a week or two and having a car to get out and about opens up an area that is yours to explorer. outside the gates of condado is nothing you can walk to. It is self contained.

The beaches are about 20 mins away and are superb, a good choice and not very crowded. It's easy to drive around and not overly English. Honestly, we have not regretted our purchase. If you have the chance to pop out first then of course that is the best option to ensure the place is for you but we didn't and so far so good :)

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Previous Threads

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SEPA payment - 3 posts
Sepa - 13 posts
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Domiciled Payment. Any clues as to what this is please - 2 posts
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Lost Dog - 0 posts
How many breakins have to happen before security start checking vehicles? - 14 posts
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Fiat Qubo 2011 for sale - 0 posts

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