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Hi. I have recently joined Slimmer’s World & have lost half a stone, so far. Yippee.
I am determined not going to gain any weight whilst I am away.
I can have a really healthy Full English as long as my bacon, sausage & tomatoes are grilled & my egg is poached, I can have baked beans & mushrooms to but I hate mushrooms
Happy to cook but Ham likes to go out for his breakfasts. Are there any breakfast providers out there who would be happy to accommodate me?
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 17/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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I am sure the Condado Club will be happy to accommodate... Email Good luck, and well done!!!
12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!!
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Hi 2 Little tinkers.
I emailed The Condado Club but they could not or would not do poached egg.
In this current market & as it is not peak holiday time on Condado this attitude does surprise me.
I work for one of the largest Marketing companies in the UK & customer care is paramount. I am surprised that they can afford to loose the proffit on 20 breakfasts.
I found the email address for Big Gs & yes they will do poached egg for me. Brilliant. Now that is great marketing & excellent custome service. I am very impressed
So if there is anyone out there who might have special dietry needs I would recommend Big G`s (& no I am not related nor am I a friend)
I just believe that we should recommend great businesses
Thanks for your help though.
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 18/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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With Slimmers world you do not count calories. So no weighing or counting. Believe me I have tried every so called healthy eating plan & diet company on the planet. This is the only one that works for me and many I know, some far heavier than me have kept the weight off for a long time. So I am sticking to it.
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm! or am I misreading your reply.
Lack of exercise has been my problem over the past two years. No excuse but I am dam sure I am not going to join the obese gang. So if you are counting those calories 25 will make a difference .Particularly when you get to my age. A few minutes to put on the llbs but months to get them off.
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 18/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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No sarcasm intended Jan. Weird sense of humour maybe.
I am gobsmacked that the Condado Club won't cater for a poached egg request. They offer scrambled as an alternative to fried so some flexibility shown there. Maybe there's been a misunderstanding somewhere?
Good luck and kep up the good work.
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Fried Eggs contain an extra 25 Calories and 1.5 grams more fat, than a poached egg. I would always eat poached!
I hed better start Slimmers World myself in order to compete, with the gorgeous and now slim Jan for Hams attention. Now where is my tooth whitening kit?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Good Morning Darren
I Love you, your comments always make me smile.
Not as slim as I want to be, yet, but trying.
Dont think I can compete with you for Ham`s Lurve ha ha.
Jan xx
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 19/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Barri
At Slimmers World it makes no difference. Cereal has to be weighed (one of a few items that has to be). I like porrage, the plain kind but you can only have 25g dry weight. A decent Full English looks better as there is more of it.
I think I am going to sign up as a consultant as I keep harping on about Slimers World. I wonder if they would pay me commision for promoting them ha ha.
If you are obese you can get your membership etc for free.
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 19/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Kath
You are so right.
Unfortunatly with the weather being so bad here I have nothing better to do all day(Joking)
Hope you & Kev are well.
Have you seen anything of Roy & Jeanette, we keep missing them & I have lost Roy`s email address
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Thanks Kath.
We are over from Monday for 10 days. Hopefully we can catch up with them.
Best Wishes
Jan xx
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 19/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Ha Ha. Nice one. Its so good to read replies that make me smile
Jan x
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 19/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Well people will butt in with comments about people commenting but adding no value to the topic under discussion, it makes my blood boil ................... so what about boiled eggs then? Top sliced off or broken off? Brown or white soldiers? Butter on the soldiers or not? I could go on 
Anyway why doesn't Ham organise a ''Blokes that do Breakfast'' meeting (no wimmin allowed) ..... I'm out a week on Sunday for a week ?
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Hi Dave
We are out from Monday
I think Ham would like that. Hes into BIg Big Breakfasts.
If you are serious about meeting up I will chat to him tonight & will be in touch.#
Darren. Will you be out too?
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 19/02/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Jan & Dave, I am in Tenerife next week, but will be over in May for my annual visit! And now that my identity has been unearthed by Jan the supersluth I can no longer hide!
Are you around in May?
This thread is making me hungry! Off to purchase some chucky eggs! (White Toast Soldiers, with butter, Dave!) Not having bacon though, it always reminds me of the Peppa Pig Park that never got built near Condado!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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