Fair setting up next to La Isla

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09 Jul 2014 1:29 PM by tea41 Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

A Fair is being set up on the dirt ground next to the right hand side of La Isla and opposite the Al Kasar car park with a licence from the Town Hall for the Summer.

Looks like some of the 'attractions' are going to be less than 50 yards away from some of the apartments on Block 11.

Any La Isla owners who would rather the Fair be moved - apparently the Town Hall own other land on Condado that's not so close to apartments - or at least ensure that the opening hours and noise are reasonably restricted, should contact Mileniun now to complain.


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09 Jul 2014 4:08 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

Isn't this land part of the Urban Entity?  In which case the entity would need to give permission for the use of the land before the council can grant a licence.  Perhaps out level 2 presidents that sit on the entity board gave permission?  

I agree I would hate to be on la Isla when this starts up.

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09 Jul 2014 8:56 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

From what i have heard. These people could take trade away from the businesses already established and who have to pay bills throughout the year. Good or bad, these usurpers are only around for the next few months with little or no bills to pay.  Sorry but our loyalty is to the businesses that open through out the year. The others will not be getting our money.                             jan n ham 



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 10/07/2014.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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09 Jul 2014 8:57 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

From what i have heard. These people could take trade away from the businesses already established and who have to pay bills throughout the year. Good or bad, these usurpers are only around for the next few months with little or no bills to pay.  Sorry but our loyalty is to the businesses that open through out the year. The others will not be getting our money.                             jan n ham 



West Mids & Jardin 5

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10 Jul 2014 12:03 AM by rhinoinspain2012 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Whether you agree or disagree with the introduction of the summer fun fair I would suggest that it raises greater issues of which we all should be concerned about.

Who has sanctioned it ? Who knew about it ? Why was it not considered with reference to residents?  Is it entirely inkeeping with the needs of Condado bearing in mind that Condado is not a town or village where a passing fair would set up for a matter of weeks before moving on ? 

It is all the more concerning that the businesses of Al Kasar did not know until the last minute and appear to have acted as best they could to limit the scope (food/alcohol) of the 'offerings' .

There is a thread on the La Isla forum which is almost painful to read. The residents (understandably) and particularly new buyers are incensed at the development and the positioning of the attraction.

As I said at the start of this post, this is not about whether you agree or disagree wth the funfair. This is more about a very dangerous precedent being set. There are large swathes of vacant land immediately adjacent to all our apartments and now, in the absence of the Paramount (promised) development, goodness knows what anyone of us might wake up to in our eyeline and earshot. If this can be allowed without general discussion and  common agreement then who knows what could happen next.

For what it's worth I believe that serious questions should be asked. 



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10 Jul 2014 8:00 AM by tea41 Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

This is also about supporting your fellow owners on Condado. The Fair isn't opposite my apartment (and I won't be here for the Summer) but it's not right that other La Isla owners should suddenly be faced with the sight and noise of a fairground until midnight (and maybe beyond) for the next 2 months and I'm doing what I can to either prevent it or reduce the impact, with at the moment little support from Mileniun (who don't appear to have done anything yet to try to protect the interests of the owners of Blocks 7 to 11 on La Isla & won't object to the Town Hall about the Fair's location until there are sufficient complaints from owners - but until Mileniun contact all the La Isla owners, and only they hold all owners contact details, most owners on the island will be unaware what's happening).

All Condado owners need to take stock and consider whether it's right for any owners to be subject to such events and if you feel it's wrong then complain about the Fair to Mileniun. There are also wider concerns about the Fair that all Condado owners should be thinking about including whether a Fair each Summer (be it outside the main entrance or elsewhere on Condado) is right for the resort; tidying up of the litter/mess created by the Fair and its visitors (from Condado and surrounding areas); safety/security issues, including at night if the fairground owners/workers are sleeping on site; impact on the takings of the businesses on the Al Kasar which we'd prefer to be here year-round (but who need to make most of their money in the Summer to do so).

If any Condado owner feels the Fair is either wrong for Condado or located in the wrong spot then please do contact Mileniun to complain.

The Level 2 Presidents also need to get together with Mileniun and get some dialogue going with the Town Hall to prevent such events getting the go-ahead from the Town Hall again in the future without full and proper approval from Mileniun and the Owners on Condado well in advance.

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10 Jul 2014 8:40 AM by suea Star rating in Bishop Auckland and .... 16 forum posts Send private message

As an owner on la Isla, and I am sure many other residents agree, I am opposed to this fair opening up on condado as a whole, but particularly in that location. It is certainly not fitting with the image I bought into. 

I can not place my contact details for millennium, can someone please post them.


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10 Jul 2014 8:41 AM by suea Star rating in Bishop Auckland and .... 16 forum posts Send private message

As an owner on la Isla, and I am sure many other residents agree, I am opposed to this fair opening up on condado as a whole, but particularly in that location. It is certainly not fitting with the image I bought into. 

I can not place my contact details for millennium, can someone please post them.


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10 Jul 2014 8:47 AM by igw Star rating in East Lothian. 81 forum posts Send private message

All of which raises some very fundamental questions for me.

What is the relationship between owners, presidents and Milleniun?

 If I have a concern, do I go to the relevant president, or Millenium?

If the answer is 'it depends on the nature of the concern', how do I find out who deals with what?

And how/ where do I find out who the relevant presidents are, and how do I contact them?

Maybe most fundamental of all, why do I have to ask these questions on a public forum?



This message was last edited by igw on 10/07/2014.

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10 Jul 2014 10:15 AM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

darren.wilkes´s avatar

Last time I went to the Fair Ground I burst out crying.

It was an emotional roller coaster!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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10 Jul 2014 10:16 AM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message


Could I ask anyone who does not want the fair either at all or where it is to please meet at ML at 12.00 today.

Failing this anyone who has a car could you (hopefullyalong with others and not on your own) park your car by the fair to preven any more construction. Once this fair is up and running it will be very difficult to have it removed.

I ask this of all Condado people who do not beleive this is what we want for the site. I know this sounds very militant but sometimes a stand has to be made.

I can not be there in time to help and I am very concerned that all the emails and messages going to ML are being ignored (as usual).

I am more than happy to buy each and every person a drink for helping in this way either at ML or with your car.

I have emailed ML and have had no reply (as usual).

This is our site and should not be used in this way.

We can follow up with who when where question after it has been moved.


PLease help, act now 12.00 AT ML or 12.00 with Car by site.



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10 Jul 2014 12:29 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

I have sent an email to the mayor.


Please send your email to




Dear Alfonso Cerón


I am appalled to see that a “fun Fair” is to be placed right in front of La Isla at Condado De Alhama.


At no point where we informed of this Fair By either you or our Administration.

We believe this fair will be breaching  The World Health Organisation’s Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC), and will be alienating all the residents of Condado.


The site for the fair is totally un acceptable  especially when there are many other sites ( still on Condado de Alhama) that would be a better solution. ( at the main entrance the old administration building porta cabins).


Could you please STOP this fair from going ahead and look to see if it can be re sited away from the apartments.


I have given you some photos showing the start of the site and that they have now connected to the local Power supply.


Please acknowledge this email.


Block 10 0A

La Isla

Condado de Alhama


Neil Harris

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10 Jul 2014 12:34 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

This is the spanish version

Estimado Alfonso Cerón



Estoy horrorizado al ver que una "Feria" va a colocarse frente a La Isla en el Condado De Alhama.



En ningún punto donde informamos de esta feria por usted o nuestra administración.


Creemos que esta feria será estar incumpliendo Directiva de ruido ambiental de la Organización Mundial de la salud (2002/49/CE) y será la antipatía de todos los residentes del Condado.



El sitio de la feria es totalmente aceptable especialmente cuando hay muchos otros sitios (en Condado de Alhama) que serían una solución mejor. (en la principal entrada la vieja administración edificio porta cabinas).



¿Podría dejar de esta feria de seguir adelante y mira a ver si se puede re emplazará de los apartamentos.



Te he dado algunas fotos mostrando el inicio del sitio y que tienen ahora conectan a la red eléctrica local.



Conteste este email.



Bloque 10 0A


La Isla


Condado de Alhama

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10 Jul 2014 2:36 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

darren.wilkes´s avatar

I used to date a girl who worked on the Waltzer, however I had to end the relationship.....

She thought everything revolved around her!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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10 Jul 2014 3:07 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

A man meets a gorgeous woman in a bar. They talk, they connect, and they end up leaving together.

They get back to her place, and as she shows him around, he notices that her bedroom is completely packed with teddy bears. Hundreds of small bears are on a shelf all the way along the floor, medium sized ones are on a shelf a little higher, and huge bears are on the top shelf along the wall.
The man is kind of surprised by the collection, especially because it’s so extensive, but he decides not to mention this to her.

She turns to him…they kiss…then they rip each other’s clothes off and romp around the room all night.
After an intense night of passion, as they are lying there together in the afterglow, the man rolls over and asks, smiling, “Well, how’d I do?”

The woman says, “You can have any prize from the bottom shelf.”

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10 Jul 2014 3:09 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

I'm doing community service at a funfair but today I stole a wobbly mirror.

I just hope it doesn't reflect badly on me.


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10 Jul 2014 3:12 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

I went to the funfair today.

After managing to get all three of my darts stuck in a goldfish, the guy came over and said, "You've misunderstood the rules."

"Don't try that one, pal." I said, "Now if you'll just pass me one of those giant playing cards I'll be on my way."

Hey you have to laugh....pity this is not a nightmare and it is a reality on my doorstep :(

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10 Jul 2014 3:15 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

Went to a funfair the other day and saw that the sign advertising it was missing the first F.

That's just unfair


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