If you are looking on Corvera the best value propertues are the ones that are being offered direvtly by the banks, from €55k for an apartment plus we have one 3 bedroom apartmemt, fully furnished for €92k, rock bottom price
Recently 7 x 4 bedroom Nolga style villas sold for €130k each, again via the bank and are now being offered an €180k
If you are paying much more than this, even with the 25% taken off on your bid you are payomg way too much but it is unlike;y that you will get anyything like 25% more
To fully furnish a 2 bedroom property, including AC and everything you would expect to spend around €9k, plus on any property your additional buying costs are around an additional 12%
There is no such thing as a true market value, it is what the seller is willing to take because they would have paid over €250 originally for the property wich now is worh nearer €65k and this isn't just an issue on Corvera