Hi Ann (hamibabe),
I understand what you are saying. For us, we felt we had no choice. We have two dogs, for both we are their second owners. Our terrier suffers terribly from seperation anxiety at night and in fact was heading towards a nervous breakdown and had being receiving Bowen Therapy pre-departure to help balance his energies and hopefully calm him.
Of course we worried the stress of the journey could really upset him, as well as a change of routine, new surroundings etc. However, we sought advice as to how to make his journey more comfortable, we natural ways of keeping him calm (Rescue Remedy, vitamins). I am a stay at home Mum, so both our doggies are use to being around me A LOT.
For the above reasons and the fact we were coming over for FOUR weeks, we felt leaving them was NOT an option and therefore decided to DRIVE to Spain in order that they could be with us the whole time and felt it would be the lesser of the two evils.
Of course we worried about the heat and had plans in place to make their lives more comfortable had it been a problem. It wasn't! We placed ice cubes in their water on and off all day and used chilled water from the fridge.
We walked them early every morning and late and night and the way they behaved we 'think' they had a lovely time. They were certainly happy and chilled out the whole time we were there.
When we come over for shorter periods, i.e a week, we will of course leave our lovable little doggies with my older children who luckily still live at home but will be at work during the day and hope I can arrange other family members to pop in and check on them,
I hope that explains.
This message was last edited by suvernscorpio on 24/09/2014.