CPR has been running its emergency medical service, 24 hours, 7 days a week for a year now but at present we only have 5 responders so we cannot maintain this service. From the beginning of November, we have reduced the 24 hour call out service to a limited number of days and run a telephone advice service when responders are not available.
The reduced service will remain until we can train more volunteers and as yet we do not have enough responders to run a training course. For information the responder rota will be published on the CPR website each week.
We desperately need volunteers to train as responders. We have the money to pay for volunteers to be trained as Responders as Condado owners are very generous. If you value the CPR service, especially if you are a resident, it is time to come forward and volunteer so that we can return to the emergency call out service 24/7. If we don't receive any more volunteers we won't be able to offer any service in the summer. The more volunteers we have the less of a burden it becomes.
So please, seriously consider our plea. If you are interested in becoming a Responder or help with CPR please contact Eliza at rotamanager@cprcondado.com or the CPR secretary at info@cprcondado.com
More than ever . . . . .CPR needs you!