Dear all, my name is Carlos Baos, I am the Spanish Lawyer at White Baos dealing with the court cases against HUMA and Huma’s banks, like Banco Popular, CAM ( now Sabadell), etc.
Following your comments, we understand that we should give our opinion, in case we can help some people.
It is true that the Legal System in Spain is slow, and it is impossible for any honest and professional lawyer to give a guarantee 100% of winning a court case against the Banks who hold the special bank accounts of HUMA in ACC.
We understand the people who do not believe in the legal system, judges, lawyers, etc., and they think that it is not worthy to claim.
Unfortunately, the banks know this and try to make people think this way, because being like this, many affected consumers will not claim because they are afraid to lose, and they are advised that they will end paying huge amount of money in legal fees, they can not trust the system, that the lawyers only want their money and they do not care about if they win and get the money back or not, etc.
Knowing the banks that they will only need to pay for the consumers who claim and win, the banks prefer to fight in court, because they know that the majority of the affected consumers will not go that far and will never take a legal action against them.
When the banks delay court cases and appeal, they know that if they lose, it will cost them more money in legal fees, legal interests, ( from when the money was paid until when the money is paid back), but still is worthy for the banks, as they know that this will make many people to do not go in court, being not prepare for a potential long legal fight.
But, there are also quite positive things in these court cases, as it is also true that the vast majority of courts are ruling against banks, in first instance and also in appeal, as the Provincial Court of Murcia ( Audiencia Provincial) who has already ruled against Huma’s banks.
Also, we understand, that the consumers legal position is even stronger now, after the judgment of 16 January 2015 (No. of Appeal: 2336/2013), of the Spanish Supreme Court, confirming the rights of the consumers to claim against the banks, if these banks did not make sure when they opened the special bank accounts to receive deposits and money for properties off plan, that the bank guarantees or insurance policies to cover this money were in place.
Also, I think that it is positive for the affected consumers, that some lawyers, like our law firm but also many others, try to help them to fight for their rights, even offering a no win no fees deal, so if the clients do not win and get paid, they do not need to pay any legal fees to their lawyers.
Our experience in claims against Almanzora Country Club banks at the moment has been slow but really positive, as all court orders has been granted in favor of our clients at ACC, they have already their money back ( in a provisional execution) and we are waiting the appeal court to make a decision in some months. It is not guarantee 100% that the final result will be in our favor, but at the moment it could not be better.
In any case, we understand and respect every opinion, but the facts are, wining is not guarantee and if finally the cases are lost, claimants will not need to pay our legal fees but will need to pay the other party legal fees.
The result up to now, in court cases against Huma’s banks have been really positive for people who lost their money not having a bank guarantees, being asked the banks by the courts to pay the money back, plus interests, plus the legal fees and costs. The court cases are on appeal, that should be decided about the first trimester of next year.
In any case, we wish all the affected buyers and all the lawyers who are trying to help, all the best