This is by way of a cautionary tale and I wouldn't like others to fall into when selling their property now or in the future. Chose your agents carefully, a bit of research doesn't go a miss. After all you have invested a lot money, time and trouble only for someone to take you for a ride or advantage of your good nature.
Also don't get talked into using the agent (for the legal side), who is selling the property. It may look as though you are saving but we know that is not always the case. Use an abogado with good knowledge and don't fall foul of the tax man with shady arrangements. It will cost you time, money and a lot of heart ache.
I'm telling you this because I wouldn't won't anyone (even my enemies) falling foul of one agent in the village.
This message was last edited by 9_Palms on 11/08/2015.