While in Spain recently I picked up two bills from Gestagua covering the March and June 2015 quarters. I am puzzled and confused by a new line of charge on these bills.
The new charge is 'Alcantarillado' which I understand is 'Sewerage' and this charge adds over 18€ per quarter. My bills have always included a sewerage charge - this is labelled as 'saneamiento integral (Alcosol, S.A.)' and this costs over 6€ per quarter. This charge is still payable in addition to the 'Alcantarillado'.
I am sure someone is familair and understand why this new charge has about and I would welcome some comments as to why this new charge is now payable.Also, a idea of the date for its implementation would be helpful to me.
Thank you
This message was last edited by Jenx on 28/09/2015.