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Las Kalendas forum threads
The Comments
15 May 2007 12:00 AM by pleased Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

i understand that you have problems with your properties but rember things take time to sort out hear

give things time to settle before you go rushing to get repairs done  and get them all done and sorted  together

if you dont want other people to move into your urbanisation  you are doing a good job on putting them off

then as you asked the community fees will go up and you will have no one elce  to blame but yourselvs

have you retired here if so try to chillout and relex a bit more  things will get done

rember that  in when you were in  england i am sure you didn't get everything done yesterday

good luck with your urbanisation 

on looker from another urbanisation on the coast



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15 May 2007 4:41 PM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 forum posts Send private message


I agree 100 percent with your comments. BUT when you are sold and purchase a quality product then I think it only right to expect something approaching it.

Most of us are only talking about major issues here! that prevent us from chilling out and enjoying our retirement. These if left too long will effect the property value and structure.

For example: a swimming pool that has sunk on one side so it now has a deep end and a deep side. A drive that has collapsed and it is dangerous to attempt to park on it. Steps up to solarium that leak water inside and outside of the property.

I for one was given a promised completion date for my major snags and did not see a builder on site until I complained. In England we are used to promises being kept.

If we sat back and did/said nothing then builders/developers would assume that all was perfect and continue to build in the same manner. I for one would feel guilty if I did not warn others of potential pitfalls. A secondary advantage of notice boards like these is that the developers read them and take note.

Community charges will increase also if we do not do our utmost to get the infrastructure right before urbanisation - if we do not then we will be faced with bills to get it right at a later date.


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15 May 2007 4:42 PM by LAM1963 Star rating in Lincolnshire, Fortun.... 152 forum posts Send private message

LAM1963´s avatar

Be PLEASED , Working for Procumasa must be one big holiday?

Actually In England things get done quickly they also belong and have signed up to the European Union as well as Spain and it is an insult to Spanish Nationasl to make them feel that they are only capable of poor work, by lifting quality and putting things right they learn from experience, poor finishing is down to customers who do not complain, and the truth is they are more capable of producing a better finish than a lot of English Trades, the Agents make out and make the statement well its only Spain and some people are PLEASED they are like that

When Fruit and Veg comes from Murcia to Lincolnshire for all the supermarkets quality is high because they know we will not expect anything else the same goes in Spain t property only mugs accept poor quality

We are not all retired people and investment is not about chilling out  and Waiting to put right inferior workmanship!

With regard to community fees we need to warn prospective buyers of problems so they are not in the same situation as us and fees will be what fees will be

With regard to putting people off Property sells in spain because people are only to ready to accept the dream without looking at the problems all these properties will sell and yes problems will be sorted European Law is a fantastic thing.



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15 May 2007 7:34 PM by chelseadel Star rating in Welling kent & Las .... 155 forum posts Send private message

chelseadel´s avatar
I for one have to thank Dennis bringing the problems that he is having to our attention, we pay a lot of money for our property's and are sold the dream by agents, why don't you ask Dennis how long he has been waiting! The developers MUST complete the urbanisation to how it is sold to us in their broachers and on their website, we should not have to keep asking when faults and completion of the green areas will be finished, we all know that it takes time to get every thing in order, but a large developer like procamasa should be on top of the problems and be proactive, they are not a one man band after-all. For procomasa to get some good publicity that the urbanisation deserves, is to keep the owners happy in the knowledge that when a problem is reported it will be fixed within a resonable time scale. For what it's worth Las Kalendas the best urbanisation I've seen, it's a very good project the villas are well designed. and the people I've met have all been warm and friendly.

This message was last edited by chelseadel on 5/15/2007.


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23 Jun 2007 3:58 PM by LAM1963 Star rating in Lincolnshire, Fortun.... 152 forum posts Send private message

LAM1963´s avatar
Four weeks awaiting a repy to an email from procumasa is more than overnight infact i would say tranquil so i think it sums up 'pleased' thread.


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19 Jul 2007 9:10 PM by LAM1963 Star rating in Lincolnshire, Fortun.... 152 forum posts Send private message

LAM1963´s avatar
Still not had an answer from anyone at Procumasa so if you are thinking of buying at Las kalendas you will find they fail to answer emails and telephone when there is problems


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25 Sep 2007 4:39 PM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 forum posts Send private message

How about this one as an example of things that do not happen overnight.

A neighbour has a longstanding problem with soil settlement around his property, to the extent that his car port/pergola and drive were collapsing into the resulting void.

After much looking and thinking by procumasa the entire area was excavated to a depth of over ten feet. This has since been filled in with rubble and compressed a process that took over a month. The builders went on holiday for a couple of weeks. On their return some new retaining walls were built. There has now been a further period of inactivity. Each day Procumasa promise work will restart tomorrow!!!  The elapsed time on the project is near three months and the clock is still ticking.

During this time the owners have been living in a ruin that resembles Beirut, climbing over rubble to get in and out of their property. As you can expect much alcohol has been consumed and sedatives taken!!

As per usual little thought is being given by the developer to the effect on prospective purchasers at the sight of this and even less to the owners who have parted with their hard earned money!!!

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26 Sep 2007 5:36 PM by chelseadel Star rating in Welling kent & Las .... 155 forum posts Send private message

chelseadel´s avatar
I think procumasas treatment to my future neighbours is disgraceful, all the worry they must be at their whit's end. why the builder cannot get on with job they only know, I for one would like to know


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20 Dec 2007 4:40 PM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 forum posts Send private message

I can happily report that our neighbours carport/pergola has finally been restored to it's intended state.

A total elapsed time of over six months! What a long night that was!!

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New CGT Rules - 7 posts
Communal Areas and Community Charges at Las Kalendas - 19 posts
Prescription medications (Query) - 3 posts
Some advice / information required - 4 posts
Long term rental contracts. - 1 posts
Quality of build - 50 posts
Speaking Spanish - 2 posts
Almeria - 2 posts

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