Site Visit to Manilva Beach 26th May 2007

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The Comments
26 May 2007 12:00 AM by paul1403 Star rating in Fareham. 2 forum posts Send private message

Made a visit to the development and file the following report.

 We have purchased in Block 8 and found the following.

1.  Kitchen is a joke.  There is only one cupboard below the sink and 4 very small drawers, so we could not understand where items are going to be stored.  There is no drainer so water will get into the worktop will rot within a few years.  Also the sink is about  4 inches from the electric hob, so be careful when using the sink and hob.   There js no room to prepare food as the work surface is small.  There are 3 main sockets by the serving hatch which cannot be used as nowhere near the work surface.  

2.  Small Bathroom,  The shower is located by the corner of the room as shown in the plan, only one problem here when the shower surround is completed you will not be able to open the window as it is half in and half out of the shower.

3.  Front door on the day we visited it was raining and the rain was coming under the door as there was nothing to stop the  water.

4.  Common areas,  Lifts not installed,  halls need to be painted,  door entry system not completed,  gardens will look nice when they have been weeded.

5.  Surrounding area,  There are 3 developments and looks like there will be a fourth (diggers are there and looks like they are clearing the site for building.  First site is at the top of the hill and is well under way, next down is the Manilva Gardens looks about half done and the last is a 5 storey block of apartments for residential. which look nearly complete  As I see it we will have lorries up and down the hill for sometime yet.  This will have a major effect on the rental value as the client will have to be told that there is building works in progress.

Conclusions.  The main building works are completed, but there are a lot of small outstanding jobs to be finshed.  I feel that if you like us are going into the rental scheme you will be lucky to get any returns until next year.  I have spoken to Ocean View and I was told that it will take 6 to 8 weeks to get the furniture in and fitted.  The state of our apartment needs a good clean that should only take a day as it is only surface dirt.  We have not checked the water or electrics as not connected.  One last point check the front door as everyone we checked the brass furniture looks about 20 years old (cheap).  My lasting impression is it ok for a 3 or 7 day stay and no longer.  We will be looking at stripping out the kitchen and getting in our builder from the UK to design and build it for us.

If any one has any questions I will be happy to answer them from what I have seen.    

Paul from Manilva Beach

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20 Jul 2007 5:00 PM by RERB Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message


Like you I was at the site in Early May and totally agree with you on all your comment the place is a disgarace and they are demanding we sign up and accept the "completion Certificates"

I am not doing this until it actually is completed and OVP prove it

I have made some comments under my name (RERB) with headers "fed up to the back teeth with OVP" the last one (No 4) is the only way I think we can get action and we we all ought to be kooking for compensation also but I am sure that the Developers and OVP have a very small section somewhere in very small print which may have the words which mean "get Knotted"

We do need group action




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27 Jul 2007 1:30 PM by KaLe Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

Thursday, July 26, 2007

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I've made 43 posts

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post belongs to the following thread: Habitation licence

For a property to be completed it has to be acceptable as a building and within planning permission. Very briefly, the Architect provides the Building Completion Licence through his Colegio, which confirms that the building has been completed in compliance with the building regulations. Sometime! errors are subsequently found and the licence has to be reviewed retrospectively. That licence is then submitted to the Town Hall who then review the property and confirm that all is correct within the planning process by issuing a First Occupation Licence (FOL). (Habitation Certificate). Only then can the property have its own individual connection to the water and electricity supplies. A developer, no matter what the contract states, cannot force anybody to pay for their property if it does not have its FOL. There can be months of delays in obtaining that, not being the developers fault, but due to under staffing at the Town Hall. Some developers have tried using the policy of 'Administrative Silence' to obtain the FOL. This is a quirk of the Spanish law where if an administration does not reply to a request within three months, that request can be assumed to be approved. However, there are big questions as to whether that applies to FOL's and if the authorities do eventually inspect the property for any reason and find it doesn't comply, the assumed FOL will be invalidated. Best not to sign on the basis of that. Then their is the Catastral inspection that confirms the details of the property and registers it in the town Hall for local rates equivalent IBI and other tax matters. etc, etc.

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