Loved your website, its very good, was almost tempted to book, but that would be silly as we have our own place!!! We have one property with Resort Management, I will let you know how that goes over the coming months, I really dont expect much until there is at least a shop or two.
We enquired about discounts for golfers staying at our property, they can get a discount, which is great, at the moment its about 30euro which is good especially if there is a group. But the owner has to ring up and book the golf for the guests, which is ridiculous. you will always have to be in contact with your renters to get tee off times from them and book them yourself.
A mail from a recognised email address, stating the name of the party and the dates they are staying should suffice.
Anyway thought you could advertise the discount on your website, I think it will be a big incentive to golfers.
I will probably start advertising with owners direct also, will let you know how that goes, and see if I can beat you and your website!! Loved your domain name, hopefully the search engines will start picking you up.
Keep in touch.