The Comments |
Friends on Fase 11 have asked me to let other Fase 11 owners know that letters (from the builders administration dept I believe) were hand delivered last Friday, 8 June, to all apartments on Fase 11. The letter advises residents that a meeting will take place on 15 June 2007 at the local doctors surgery, to discuss/decide communal constitution / officers/2007-08 budget/fees, etc. Anyone in situ on Fase 11 last week should have seen this letter, those of us in UK will not. Our permanent resident friends (message from all) on Fase 11 have asked me to let you all know of the meeting as it seems they will need a min. representative/proxy for about half of the c80 apartments. Suggest that if you have any contacts or know anyone out there next week on Fase 11 you get in touch as regards proxy vote, thats if you are not there yourself of course.
PS The garage and junk rooms are ready.
Judy and Michael (14/2)
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thahk you judynmichael.
1 am owner in phase ll but will not be over till july. i have e-mailed a felow irishman kevk who is over now completing but i may have missed him as he flew today.
in feb i met some permanent residents.david and elaine and louisa all in phase ll .i would be happy for any of them to be my proxy at this inital meeting if they could inform me of the outcome but again i have no contact for them.
michael fenning
This message was last edited by micha on 6/10/2007.
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Hello Everyone, Now that we have been informed of the first residents meeting, it feels as though we are starting to be a real community instead of a building site. I believe I am right in saying that anyone who is not going to be able to attend the meeting next week must give a written form of Proxy to someone who will be attending. Just saying that you are happy for someone to be proxy will not be acceptable to the developers. Perhaps someone who will be attending can post a message if they are agreeable to accept proxy votes from those of us who are not able to attend personally.
We will be out at the end of June, too late for the meeting, but looking forward to hearing what has been decided.
Carol and Michael (17 fase 2)
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Hola Phase 11
Wally (no.16) has agreed to act as proxy for anyone not able to attend the meeting and yes a formal delegation of proxy does have to be made in writing to the administradora. I have a specimen letter for this purpose and the administradora's em address. All em's will need to be bcc'd to Wally so that he knows who he is representing. Will not put details on site as em's involved but if you just put a 'yes please ' on this site I will send details to you using 'private' facility.
Meeting Order of Day: Constitution of community, charges election, budget of expenses foreseen for economic year 07/08, and Questions and Answers.
If you have any points re above agenda you need raising, suggest you cover them in a separate mail to Wally.
Judy & Michael
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Hello all, we were wondering if there was any feedback from the residents' meeting for phase 2 as nothing seem's to have been mentioned yet. What was the occasion with the tables' laid outside of the church? We'll be there on 8th August so looking forward to the visit very much. Is there anything going on at that time? Good luck, Carol and Michael, No. 45.
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Carol & Michael (& rest Fase 11)
Spoken to Pat & Wally and got the giste, (needs confirming). Go tomorrow for 2 wks, may know more on return. Unless someone else who was there knows more? Annual Community Fee c75E pa (6.50pm), or with Garage c86E (7.20pm) , Not sure whether this includes Pool costs. Will be advised when fees due, but next month/two. President - Pilar (19), VP - William (5), and committee - Dorothy (?) and Wally (16). Upper windowboxes to face inwards (water/petals dropping), noise control (post midnight), and Administradora looking into Post Boxes and access to communal aerial. Communal Notice Board to be near the Pool. Thats all I know for now. Adios. JudynMichael
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Hi Judy and Michael, (thanks for the reply.) and anyone who attended the meeting. I thought the community fee would have been more than 6.5euros' per month but I'm not complaining. Do you know how often the meetings' will take place, how many are on the committee and if each phase will have it's own agenda? Will the communal aerial include reception for the internet? Have a good fortnight Jude and Michael. Probably bump into you some other time. Adios. Carol and Michael.
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Hello All,
I attended the meeting on the Friday night and it was quite an experience. As mentioned the committee has been formed and will meet again in a couple of weeks time. Im lead to believe the 75Euros will be payable before the end of July. That is the official date for the pool contractors to be done. They are asking for clarification of post boxes as the original submission from CBB do not show them to be installed. If not we will have to pay for a company to do this for us. It is still to be discussed what surface will be fitted around the pool area, tiles were requested rather than grass. Still to be decided about how the pool area will be accessed, possible choices were keys, keyfob or swipe card. Again this will depend on cost. The charges include buildings insurance so you may not need to get your own, this is compulsory for everyone to have once a community is set up. It also ensures everyone is covered and as a community there are no differences in policy types. The admin charge is approx 3Euros per household, it also includes the fixing of an aerial suitable for british tv. This was an action point for the committee to get some info on. These are all included in the 75.
The pool however is a seperate charge still to be arranged. Once again the committee will be getting some quotes for pool maintenance from a registered company. It is likely that the numbering of phase 2 will change. Yet to be decided but almost certain. The builder in his wisdom decided to have 3 sets of deeds, one for each phase. Hopefully this will not cause to many problems but i suppose you could have different rules for each phase. I think it is important that all committee phases speak to each other so it does not get silly. It was mentioned that when it is all complete it might be possible to apply for 1 set of deeds but the administrator would not confirm if this was normal.
Yet another festival in Hurchillo, this is 3 times we have hit festivals this year already. The celebrations were for senior citizens. It started on Friday evening with an all night disco, sat pm was kids time as per photos, sat evening was free food and wine and then another disco in the square. Sunday was a procession of strange looking vehicles and the village was a buzzing with people. I think there was a few services in the church and further activities in the evening but we had to return home. One final note, Debbie and Ian (phase1) are trying out a quiz night in the d'amur bar on Tuesday evenings, it was well supported and good fun so go along if your going out there. One negative out of all this, bar D'Amur is closed for holidays all of August. We have tried to stop him but he needs a rest!!!
Martin & Tracey (phase 2, no 35)
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
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Thanks for the info on the meeting that was really useful. Any idea how or to who we should pay our community charge? Also thanks for the directions to the pool, we will be next out for 5 weeks from
August 1.
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Hi all,William has put letters through doors regarding community issues.think we will be given bank account number soon to pay cc into.not sure fee includes home insurance as letter states most people have taken out their own.Eileen,no 29.
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We have just returned from Hurchillo where it was 35 degrees, now we are back to reality again for a while, thanks for an enjoyable time, again, to Martin, Tracey , Chloe and Kevin and Wendy, also many of the permanent residents. I will down load the latest pictures of the pool shortly, also the football/basket ball site is now enclosed with a wire fence.
I was talking to William about this site and he asked me to put his contact details so people can contact him directly House No 5, .
The following in a copy of a letter word for word re the meeting given to us also by William just before we left on the 24th.
1st Meeting for Olivia fase 2
The first meeting was held on the 15th June 2007, it was agreed that Romona Perez would act as administrator for the year, first of all the committee was voted in; President Pilar house no. 19, V. president William house No. 5. Wally House No. 16 and Dorothy house no. 30. A community aerial was the main topic as all bottom apartments at present have no access. i have already spoken with a company regarding prices, I will let you know the outcome as soon as possible. This will now be completed on Monday 25th June so can residents not with English TV please contact their own suppliers to come and change on to the community aerial, I will make arrangements with English TV. This will be done free of charge. It is hoped that in future tenants use this Company. If any more residents decide to put up blinds they must be red and white the same as the ones presently used by the existing tenants. The opening, running, and cost of the pool will be sorted out when completed nearer the end of July. It is thought to be about 70 Euros a year per house running cost but that included insurances for properties, but as so many tenants already have insurance it is to be discussed that each house takes out its own. We would like every ones name, telephone, (Spanish or English) and Internet address so contact can be made in the future.
The Committees contact details were then included but I do not have all their permission to put it on this site so If anyone would like to contact William, Wally or Dorothy by telephone (Pilar has no telephone connection at the moment) please e mail me and I will forward you their numbers.)
I will keep you up to date on any future happening, Committee.
Hope this is of some use, there was also talk that the administrator would charge 3 euros a month per household,
Regards Diane and Stan
This message was last edited by diane g on 6/25/2007.
Diane and Stan 
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