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Mirador Linked Villas Phase 1 forum threads
The Comments
27 Sep 2006 12:00 AM by UP 4 IT Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

l have been watching with interest the number of visits these threads

are receiving.!!! Either the same few  people have visited many many

times (Unlikely) or there are numerous other purchasers also reading

.them !!!!!  l have been + am in contact with over 10% of purchasers

and would like to contact others with a view to resolving outstanding

issues that must be addressed prior to completion !!!..

Feel free to contact me in confidence .Should you have concerns over cofidentiallity

just email me for details of my Spanish Solicitor / Lawyer





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29 Sep 2006 11:06 AM by alpet Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message

alpet´s avatar

UP4IT, Have sent you PM .  The problem is that we are all very busy and have limited time to chase up these problems.

The message from my solicitor sems to be 'don't panic'. The recent events are worrying but hopefully will come to a head soon.  The only common thread seems to be that Mirador are in a sorry state but this doesn't sit well with a large company due to build a 4 star hotel in Fuente.  What is clear from other posts on this board is that our houses are currenty unsaleable so we have little choice but to sit it out until we see what Mirador are actually offering.  If they remain in business of course.  I think the next stage is to try and get all pur solicitors talking to one another if that is possible.

Regards, Alpet.

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