we have just returned from two weeks at la resereva, it does seem a waste of money having life guards. they sit all day reading a book or chatiing on the pnone or talking to each other or swimming in the pool. i really don't envey them there job under the mid day sun. meanwhile it takes a lot of explaing to chidren why all the fun things are banned ,yet they can see kids in other pools with no life guards enjoying themselves.
Kenny E
1. with regards to security what do you think about door closers on the entry gates, everyone including gardeners leave them open but with a simple spring closer they could close behind them. They have them on manzana 4 which i am sure you have seen and work well. could you ask the community about there instillation.
2.have you seen the town plan, the roads they wish to build seem to put la reserva on the ring road with no hope of security. i know these are only proposed roads and may never be bulit but something needs to be said now. there was no one speaking english when we went to the town hall, so could you voice are concerns