Good Day,
Royal Dreams:
A little information that may or may not benefit you! Grupo trampolin/El Trampolin are building another 600 Macarenas. This site is between Abanilla and Pinoso still in the Murcia region. (prices from €168.00)
This may explain why they are building 4 model show homes at Royal Dreams when most of the properties are sold! I have a Macarena on the first phase and the completion date is still 36 months from the date of signing the contracts (i.e. March 2010) I have been told that this has not changed. There maybe 4 show homes going up,but there is still no road, utilities services such as water/sewage. I am sure that this will come when all the permission are given.
Trampolin Hills
On the 10th september I was informed that there was a snag list (approx 30 issues) that the councils needed satisfying. I believe that the architect had a meeting with the council on the 13th september. How this went; no idea. Too busy trying to catch a few rays of sunshine.
Believe this or believe it not. A Grupo Trampolin rep did say that the first phase at Trampolin Hill will be completed in 10 months time. I'm doubtful, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. Back out again for Christmas. Promise to keep you informed of rumours and speculation!
Adios Amigos,
This message was last edited by Worcester on 9/24/2007.This message was last edited by Worcester on 9/24/2007.