I want to try to assist Owners who have not lived in condos before.
The most important thing in the condo´s life is the first assembly.
Get this wrong and you will have problems for ever.
We all need to understand that a condo is a legal status controlled by civil law. Now also will come under horizontal property laws .
Do not get mis lead by promoters etc who just want to lauch the condo so as to get rid without having interset in it.
I was involved in setting up a new condo as President and also did the treasurer´s work. NO I DON¨T WANT THE JOB. I will offer to assist the Board of Directors if they want any help.
It involved setting bylaws that become law, YOU ALL SIGNED TO ABIDE BY THESE ALTHOUGH THEY ARE NOT IN PLACE.
This means we all follow the rules or can be subject to legal action, which can result in houses being tied by a lien due to unpaid fees for example.
This means you can not sell without clearing the debt, failure to resolve can under civil code result in a Judge selling a house for the best price on the day. This sounds drastic but it is the law so I am trying to get you all to understand how important Assemblies are.
Budgets set by constructors etc are always a guess on the low side, this makes you all feel happy and gets the meeting to run without a problem to the constructor.
We need to see budgets etc well in advance of any assembly.
Last import not to all non residents of Spain on the day, If you give a proxy vote to the constructor because you are not able to attend then you will give him the means to do what ever suits him.
Get involved in the assembly and please understand how important it will be to us all for the time you live there.
Regards John Bryant
This message was last edited by tedmelos on 11/15/2007.This message was last edited by tedmelos on 11/17/2007.