Highly recommended!

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31 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by Mooma Star rating. 48 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone!

We have just returned from our first visit as proud owners! We were quite busy getting things sorted and so it suited us to frequent the 'Cabello Blanco', or 'English Bar' as I have seen it referred to on here, each night. The food was fantastic, along with the welcome. Real home made fare which was served up with a good deal of banter (although some to be taken with a pinch of salt!). Altogether highly recommended!

We return again VERY soon! Cant wait.

Jane and Andy

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31 Jan 2008 10:42 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jane & Andy,

Really glad that you recent trip went well.  Exciting getting all the nice bits isn't it?  We spent ages in Ikea and such like........always forgot something - like the corkscrew (silly sods).

As for the English bar - Alan and Tanya place, well Alan is a colourful character and Tanya endures him.  We have spent lots of time in there listening to one or the other of Alan's life (s) stories!!!!  All good fun.

Give the pizzeria a try- we have had a good time in there also (bit cheaper too).  Must go to the German Restaurant in Benferri - do not eat all day though - the portions are enormous.  Also you have to appreciate the German 'way'! 

Hope to see you around the developement at some stage



Ellen  & Jim

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31 Jan 2008 10:59 PM by Mooma Star rating. 48 forum posts Send private message

Yes! We certainly will give the Pizza place a try next time. We were only there 3 nights this time and to be honest the pizza place didn't appear to be open, although we didn't actually look properly.

Managed to spend nearly 3 hours in Carrefour!! (Thank you so much for the directions, Young!). Just cant wait to go back!To Princesa Elisa, that is! Not so desperate to get back to Carrefour!!

See you there one day!

Best wishes                    Jane and Andy

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