Hi there
We too got the same letter during the week so when reasearching on the net a lot of sites were saying to sign on the Padron also and I know that some of our neighbours have done so. Below is a clip , maybe someone out there might shed more light.
Signing on the Padron in Spain
Registering at the Town hall is a simple but very important process
1. Name
2. Place of Birth
3. Parent’s Names
4. You Age
5. Address
6. Marital Status
You will need to take your deeds, passport plus and a photocopy. You may also need a copy of a utility bill such as gas, electricity or water- a telephone bill is not usually acceptable.
Registering with your local Town Hall gives a more accurate estimate of the local population and these figures are used to determine the services that Central Government funds in each area. It is for this reason that it is very important to register with the Town Hall - since they can claim additional funding for all the local services they provide. And makes it easier in cases of emergenies (Hospitals etc.)
The Padron in Spanish local Town Halls is the register of local residents. You are not obliged to register with your Town hall, but if you do you will benefit because the Central Government allocates funds to local Towns Halls on the basis of the number of residents - so you will receive better local services ie Doctors street lights etc..It dosen’t cost anything to sign on the Padron nor do you have to pay more taxes etc.
And by signing the Padron you will also be entitled to vote in the local Elections. The process is very easy, as described below.
This message was last edited by Kev K on 2/8/2008.