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Hacienda San Cayetano forum threads
The Comments
09 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by ExxPat Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone confirm?

Have heard that a man got mugged in the villiage and he is in hospital, does anyone now anything??



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25 Feb 2008 9:53 PM by cazb Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message



After watching a tv programme earlier this evening, about Britons being attacked in Spain, I just wondered if anyone had heard anything at all, or of any other crime in the area???



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25 Feb 2008 9:56 PM by cazb Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message



After watching a tv programme earlier this evening, about Britons being attacked in Spain, I just wondered if anyone had heard anything at all, or of any other crime in the area???



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26 Feb 2008 8:23 AM by Lloyds Star rating in Home Counties. 50 forum posts Send private message


Any crime is distressing and we sympathise with (and have visited) the lady concerned but can I remind everyone of a recent Telegraph piece headed ' Britain tops European crime league'

"Britain has one of the worst crime rates in Europe, a report said yesterday.

It is the most burgled country in Europe, has the highest level of assaults and above average rates of car theft, robbery and pickpocketing. Only Ireland has a worse record.......

Estonia, Holland and Denmark make up the rest of the EU's five ''high-crime" nations. All had rates more than 30 per cent higher than the average. Spain, Hungary, Portugal and Finland had the lowest rates.......

Risks of being assaulted were highest in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark and lowest in Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Spain and France.......

Experiences with sexual violence were reported most often by women in Ireland, Sweden, Germany and Austria and least often in Hungary, Spain, France and Portugal."

I am not saying Spain is perfect, we must be as vigilant in San Cayetano as we are in London, Luton or Manchester (no disrespect intended) but also we must not let a few isolated events and a television programme spoil what I am sure is going to be a great experience for us all.

Best Regards

Susan & Glyn Lloyd

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26 Feb 2008 4:29 PM by EVLou Star rating. 145 forum posts Send private message

Hi, we are actually buying in another development on this forum. Mirador de la Vega. But I couldn't help but notice your thread on crime & muggings in spain. I hope you don't mind me reading & replying. Like most people..we are relocating to Spain for a better way of  life... to relax & make the most of our days..& add quality. In peaceful surroundings. Safety & Crime is always an issue.

 Twenty years ago we did the same..by moving to the Midlands with our young family.. We bought A home we could only dream of in the south of England.. But over the years we have  witnessed crime escalate to an excess..and spoil that dream. from vandalism...to a  car stolen from our drive by a gang..to our house robbed & smashed up twice. Our daughters being harassed and verbally abused by groups of lads..and their boyfriends attacked for defending them. Yobs doing as they please. with no police action taken. And...not all deprived kids either. many locally from the neighbourhood. That the police just ignor...and let roam.

It has improved a lot on the damage to personal property recently. But the personal violence has increased..and last year was the final straw..when I was violently attacked near my home. Not by a youth..or a druggie..but a 50+ year old ethnic man..in the medical profession. He stopped his car & came across the road to me as if to ask directions. But grabbed me by the neck instead...shouting racial abuse  as he hit me. I was saved by a witness passing by & stopping his car to help. The police have chosen to protect this mans identity..and position.  He has admitted himself for hospital treatment..and I am warned when he is out for my own protection. As he lives just 2 minutes from my home. This is the reality of Uk law & crime statistics.

We have no rose coloured glasses regarding Spain. I hate the thought of living behind bars..and worry just why every Spanish property is covered in shutters..bars & double locks. But I have failed to see the threats that appear daily in the Uk. . I have seen some grafitti areas in spain, and places not so nice.. I must admit..and they stick out like a sore thumb. But generally, the country is clean & welcoming..and  I have felt safe.  We know our own country..and town..and with that we have a false security. We feel there is no threat. But in reality..there always is a possibility...anywhere you go.  I found that out the hard way. Lets' hope we all find only happiness ahead,.  Best wishes, Carol


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26 Feb 2008 7:44 PM by Jontymellor Star rating in Warrington & Cabo R.... 143 forum posts Send private message

I'm not a resident, long way off living in spain, but last summer, I watced on the beach crimes being done or tried to be done, the first I could see in the distance 2 men just looking around, I too never clicked, next thing the were running with someones bag up to a waiting car, after the fact you realise how suspiciouce they were, next day different beach but again 2 lads were so out of place it was plain to see what they were doing, this time I interviend,

Tthe point is, they see us as holiday makers, with all our belongings on the beach and we never look round whatch whats going on, cover up things, we just leave things around then moan about the place,

Spain I believe is a great place, but the opertunised will always be there when crowds of people are around.

Look after your belongings your self, as if the were of value to you!



I Live in Warrington & Cabo Roig

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