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We still haven't heard anything about our valuation yet. If anyone buying a 1 bed has had their valuation would you let me know if you were happy with it.
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Hi Sian,
Which bank are you going through? Any ideas who is doing the valuation for you.
We are now paying for a second valuation through CAM, as Bancaja are not budging on the poor valuaton they have given.
Hi Chris
We're going through cajamurcia bank but don't know who are doing the valuation.
Hi All
We are buying 2 Bed apartment, our valuation just came through is also low, have been told we had two valuations both low.
Perhaps we all are buying apartments for more than they are worth, is this why they are not selling??
Do you mind telling us what the val came in at?
We have had another done by CAM on Tuesday, and are waiting to hear the results!
Hi ive just completed and my valuation came in higher than the purchase price which was pleasing. Norrie.
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