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La Matanza forum threads
The Comments
21 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by homer madge Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hola everybody, I'm just sat here looking at the  rain and wondering  what the weather  is like  in  La Matanza.  Is Handy Andy still about or has he moved. Can't wait till Easter for a Spanish break.

                                 Homer &  Marge  

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21 Feb 2008 9:44 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

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Bon Dias

Weather not been too good last week or so, some rain and cloud but still averaging about 60 degrees.

Andy and Margo still around, as are Dave & Sandra, Mary and other residents. Ellen & Jim (Ellemum) out there at the moment. Others from Calle Los Espinos out over the next few weeks.

We are out at Easter, hope to meet you Homer & Marge if you make yourself known to us.

English bar still going strong as is Pizza restaraunt.

Been told by Spanish friends that  the Easter celebrations are spectacular in Orihuela, probably around the medievil/old quarter. When we were out last we parked in the shopping centre/swimming pool/cinema/Burger King complex, just walk accross the road into Orihuela. If driving leave La Matanza to end of road turn left and follow signs to Orihuela. As you approach the end of the road with Las Americas on your right you will turn right. as you pass the hire car compound on you left bear right to Orihuela and you will come to an traffic island, turn right and you will go up a hill and through a short tunnel, drive on and turn left at the next island you will then come to the shopping complex.

Hope that makes some sense, maybe someone else can give better directions. brilliant parking for Orihuela.   

Happy hols people

Brian & Lorraine

This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/21/2008.

This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/22/2008.




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01 Mar 2008 8:19 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

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Son and girlfriend just come back from a week in Las Siete Casas. Monday onwards they were sunbathing by the pool (too cold to go in though! ) come back with a lovely tan and can't wait to go back. Neighbours were lovely, making sure they were OK and thanks to Dave and Sandra for their help, wonderful couple.

Weather forcast says sunny and warm for next week . We are out at Easter can't wait .




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02 Mar 2008 10:32 PM by sandrandave Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Happy to have helped John and Sarah glad they enjoyed themslves weather been great today see you on the 20th

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28 Mar 2008 9:25 PM by young Star rating in Stockport/Las Siete .... 70 forum posts Send private message

It won't be quiet for much longer, three weeks on sunday and the fun begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


 Carmel & George

Carmel & George

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