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Hi everybody,
I hear that polaris world have been sending out letters to all the people on phase one asking them if they want them to install air conditioning units.I am on phase 1 but working away from home at the moment so dont know if we have been sent one or not.They must be getting on well with them.Sounds hopeful, anybody had a letter from them yet?
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I think they are getting on well with phase 1 however I have also had a letter about the air con units and I have moved to phase 2 penthouse styles apartments and they haven't even start to build them yet !!!!! No prices on the letter though which would help !!
Soz pressed the send button twice......!!
This message was last edited by smivs on 3/23/2008.
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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I'm on Phase 1 and have also received the letter from Polaris Home Style regarding the Air con. I must say that I think there is no excuse for poor communications from PolarisWorld to all those who have already invested very heavily in Polaris properties.
While I know through forums such as this, that the building on TDLT is now progressing pretty well, I have had absolutely zero communications from Polaris as to the status of the build. To then receive this communication from their 'Home Style' unit telling me that the 'closing date for contracting the air con and heating for my home is close' is most annoying.
I will be looking to find out more about what this statement actually means. I suspect at this stage that it is only an attempt by Home Style to make a sale on the Air con units. I would like to think that our apartments are already being 'plumbed' for the air con.
If anyone else out there knows more, please share it........
Thanks, J
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Were in the same boat as you , we have had no correspondence from Polaris world on the current status and more importantly any expected completion dates with a view of organising finances.
I would agree with you that Home Style are looking for early sales, and if i recall correctly the contract says that the Air Conditioning would be pre-installed. To me pre-installed would be plumbing and wiring run to the internal locations of AC units from the outdoor located AC unit as a bare minimum.
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Thanks Steve.
Yes, my contract also states 'air conditioning pre-installed' and I would read into this the same as yourself.
Let's hope we get some formal correspondence on completion dates from Polaris World soon. Even an estimated completion, updated at regular intervals would be helpful.
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Yep, we too received the same letter - and we were on the original phase 2.
As stage 7 is the new stage 2 and we put our 25% deposit down in Oct 2006 with no further payments requested since then, it does sem to be a ploy to squeeze more cash from unsuspecting mugs like us - a ploy to make us think completion is just around the corner! We plan to contact our agent after the Bank Holiday to find out what the hell is going on. Will let you know the response. (Beginning to wish we'd never got involved in this project)
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Hi folks
we also received the air con letter which was a bit strange considering I had a conversation with someone in Polaris the week before who tells me the phases have changed and they do not know when they will be completeing on anything.
After getting fed up our solicitor contacted them and they confirmed what we seem to be all aware of that the 18 months is from when they start work on your actual apartment.
We were originally on phase 2 which is now phase seven and are extremely annoyed that the development has been changed without any communication never mind consultation. Polaris world told our solicitor that they would offer us an apartment on another resort (more expensive of course) or we could move to phase 1 to a completely different apartment from the one we purchased and more expensive.
We had originally intended to purchase on Condado but moved when that development was pulled. Ironic as this will be completed this year.
Like some others we are just getting fed up now and wish we hadn't invested.
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