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Residencial Arenal forum threads
The Comments
01 Apr 2008 10:06 AM by Frustratedkeith Star rating in Jimena De La Fronter.... 55 forum posts Send private message

Hi all. We have not received details of the community meeting despite giving our details again when we provided bank details for the fees (which are being regularly collected). Could someone please provide details of the meeting (where and when) and we will attend. Happy to ask questions on behalf of you guys if you drop me a private message. We will be asking about the pool, the lifts, zappers for garage doors.

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01 Apr 2008 10:25 AM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

These are the details about the meeting:

Desde EDIR estudios & inversiones, S.L, como Administradores de Fincas de su Comunidad de Propietarios RESIDENCIAL ARENAL de Jimena le informamos de próxima reunión de vecinos, para el día 5 de abril - Sábado a las 10.30 de la mañana en primera convocatoria en el Centro Cultural Reina Sofía de la ESTACION DE JIMENA DE LA FRONTERA,........

I have just spoken to them and they say the lift are not up and running for technical problems that they are working on. 






Jesús Marín Translator

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01 Apr 2008 10:51 AM by Frustratedkeith Star rating in Jimena De La Fronter.... 55 forum posts Send private message

Thank you. We will attend the meeting

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01 Apr 2008 11:21 AM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

Whole mailer just in case:


Estimado propietario/a:

 El motivo de la presente es informarle de la próxima reunión con carácter de Junta General Extraordinaria de su Comunidad de Propietarios RESIDENCIAL ARENAL.

 La reunión tendrá lugar en el centro cultural Reina Sofía de la Estación de Jimena de la Frontera, el 5 de AbrilSábado, a las 10,30 a.m. en primera convocatoria y a las 11.00 a.m. en segunda convocatoria.

 Así mismo, damos a conocer los trámites realizados para su Comunidad de Propietarios Residencial Arenal:

 Contratación de Seguro comunitario – VITALICIO, con número de póliza: 40 – 1 -744.000.291.

·         Solicitud a Correos y Telégrafos de reparto de correspondencia a sus viviendas, para ellos es necesario que indiquen en sus buzones número de portal, planta y puerta.

·         Y  solicitud de alta en el Callejero oficial, con la denominación “Avenida de los Deportes nº 35”, seguida del número de portal y piso.

Se recuerda que no podrán ejercer derecho a voto aquellos vecinos que a la fecha de la presente convocatoria no se encuentren al corriente en el pago de las deudas vencidas con la Comunidad, para su comodidad puede facilitarnos su número de cuenta para la domiciliación de las cuotas mensuales, poniéndose en contacto con nosotros en nuestras oficinas, por teléfono, fax, correo electrónico.





Jesús Marín Translator

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04 Apr 2008 9:39 AM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys,

I'm organising as many things as I can and would like to know your advice on the choice of gas bottles. There seem to be 2: aluminium (grey and light ones) and the tradicional heavy orange ones. I left Spain 10 years ago and the aluminium ones were not around.

Anyone know the pros and cons of each of them? Apart from weight that is....

Many thanks.


Jesús Marín Translator

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04 Apr 2008 9:42 AM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

Sorry just things coming to my mind.

I am told the power/electricity needs to be 5.200 W..... is this enough/advisable if you install air conditioning???? I mean will it get burnt or is that enough power?

Thanks beforehand.

Jesús Marín Translator

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07 Apr 2008 8:48 AM by Frustratedkeith Star rating in Jimena De La Fronter.... 55 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,
I attended the community meeting on Saturday morning and thought I’d post a little summary of what was discussed.
First we went through the minutes of the previous meeting and a list of problems that were highlighted in a meeting on 18th December. We discussed what problems had been addressed by the community and by Arenal and which were in the process of being resolved. General points I can remember:
1)We are asked to keep the main doors closed. If there are enough funds in the pot they may consider buying automatic door closers.
2)The gate to the pool can be easily opened by lifting it off its hinges so a bar will be attached over the top to secure it.
3)The approach to the garage of block 1 will be lowered as it is too steep
4)Notice boards will be put in each portal
5)Do not put furniture and items in parking spaces as it is a fire risk
6)The ayuntamiento still have not switched on the street lights around the urbanisation after much chasing. In protest the residents are planning to close the road to the urb during the May feria when everyone will want to use the extra parking.
7)A main point was to discuss a shortfall in collection of community fees. Arenal owe 5.485,46 euros for the apartments they haven’t sold, although Elena reckoned they would pay up next week. The remaining residents who owe money were named and shamed to try to get them to pay up. Embarrassingly, all the culprits were English. We were told that if anyone falls more than three months in arrears they will be contacted by a lawyer. Three of the people have done this.
8) Because of the low funds we cannot complete the lifts as there is not enough money coming in to cover their maintenance costs.
9) We chose the material you would need to use if you decide to put awnings on your apartment. It is wide red and gold stripes – it is nicer than it sounds and was the best of a poor choice! A sample will be put on each notice board.
10)You can close in the laundry areas with glass but you must get permission and have white alu frames and leave the wrecker in place. One person has already done this but removed the wrecker and this caused a big argument!
11) You may have noticed a sign for a dentist on the balcony of one of the apartments. The dentist in question attended the meeting and asked if we would allow her to leave the sign there for a year to get her business off the ground. In return she would offer a discounted rate to residents! Everyone (except the president!) agreed to this and she was very pleased!!!
12) The swimming pool: It cannot open until we all have our individual water contracts, which the ever optimistic Elena thinks will happen next week. Also it needs to pass water testing. A lifeguard is not needed by law as the pool is so small. Each apartment will be given 6 wristbands and these will need to be worn around the pool. The gate will be opened each day. I’m not sure if the times were definitely agreed but I think it will be from 11am to 10pm. Only people who are paid up on community fees will be given wristbands.

13)Finally, the address for post to the apartments was sorted out. It will be Urbanisation Arenal, portal number, floor, then apartment as a letter from A-D. eg, if you are bloque 1, portal 2, 1st floor, flat 2 you will be Urb. Arenal 2-1B, Jimena. Get it?

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07 Apr 2008 8:56 AM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

That's excellent minutes!!!!!!!!!!!

Many thanks. I spoke to them on the phone and they said the lifts were not working for technical reasons so that is a change of "pretext".

I'll be popping into the dentist next week... hope she'll be cheaper that then UK ones.

Thanks again!!!!!

Jesús Marín Translator

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07 Apr 2008 9:34 AM by holdenandlee Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for the information very useful. Was hoping the pool would be ready in May when we come over next but have a feeling that in 6 weeeks it may still not be up and running. BTW who provides the wristbands and who is the contact for the community. I guess when the notice boards are up they will provide more info.

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07 Apr 2008 9:49 AM by Frustratedkeith Star rating in Jimena De La Fronter.... 55 forum posts Send private message

I am sure that the pool will be open by May but don't quote me on that! Wristbands will be provided by the community if fees are paid up to date. Not sure of the mechanics of how we get them but as soon as I hear anything I will post on here. My concern with wrist bands is that guests will end up going off with them and then we will have to try to get replacements. God knows how you would prove they have been lost. If they just hand out replacements you could accumulate loads which is the whole point. Guess the first 6 will be provided without charge but replacements will incur a fee.

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14 Apr 2008 9:00 PM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys,
I signed last week and just wanted to say thank you to those of you who were around and gave me some good advice. As you all tend to have screennames I can't tell who's who.
Hope to meet the rest at some point.
The flat... what can I say... it is not bad but it is not good enough for the amount of money you pay... and the lack of respect from Arenal is unbelievable and unforgivable.
As I've mentioned to some of you in private, from all the issues I have got the only that I feel could be taken to court is the fact that when I bought the place it said it had a "passable roof" (azotea transitable) to hang up clothes which is what people do in Spain.... I still have the brochure.... and I have ended up with 3 more flats in the attic and no roof at all.... if someone feels like going down this route don't hesitate to contact me.

Jesús Marín Translator

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16 Apr 2008 2:57 PM by Frustratedkeith Star rating in Jimena De La Fronter.... 55 forum posts Send private message

Lack of respect from Arenal. Could not have put it better myself. That is indeed why I called myself frustratedkeith in the first place back in the days when there was no certainty when and if the development would ever get finished. Those of you who have met me and or Julie my wife (we have met quite a few now) would hopefully agree that I am not the angry person my user id suggests.

Arenal have been terrible and I for one would caution anyone considering using them in the future. That said, I have my apartment now and am quite pleased with it. There is still water to go under the bridge i.e. what the development will be like once the viviendas protectus move in and how quickly Arenal pay up the communitiy fees they owe but overall, it is a decent flat and not a bad price (not quite the gated community we bought into but....).

Any of you who have not met us, please get in touch when you are next over as we would love to meet for coffee. We are offering a key holding service for those of you not based in the village. I have built a website for renting our apartment and we would be happy to discuss any help we may be able to offer as residents of Jimena.


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22 Apr 2008 1:47 PM by Tex Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Interesting article about 'Arenal 2000 Fiasco' regarding this development on Friday 18 April 2008 edition of Cadiz news/Strait news and in Jimena pulse on 18 April 2008. 

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22 Apr 2008 1:55 PM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

I saw it, yes quite interesting... what struck me as strange is that at the time of the news about Block 3 Arenal wasn't flexible either.... as always.... if you go onto the Community administrator website all our flats are listed but those in Block 3... aren't.....again quite weird.


Jesús Marín Translator

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28 Apr 2008 9:18 AM by Frustratedkeith Star rating in Jimena De La Fronter.... 55 forum posts Send private message

Hi all.

We have been trying to find out when the pool will open. It has recently been drained because health and safety inspectors where not happy with the steps into the pool. Part of the pool has been dug up and Arenal are now apparently waiting for matching tiles before they can finish it. In addition to this, we all need to have our water contracts in place (we are still on buliders supply) before the pool can open. Why this is so I have no idea but I am trying to find out. Meantime, we have guests booked for mid May and Elena does not think the pool will be open by then. Yet another shambles from Arenal which is going to cost me money as I am going to lose bookings or at least have to discount rents.

I am going to try to find out what legal remedies are available as Arenal have done delivered the urbanisation to specification. I would be interested to hear from anyone who would consider joining forces.

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28 Apr 2008 9:26 AM by holdenandlee Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

I too am bringing guests out mid may and was assuming the pool would be ready so this is a big disappointment. If anything can be done legal wise i would be glad to join forces as the completion of this development is dragging on and on and on..................... I will be old enough to retire there myself at this rate

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28 Apr 2008 9:50 AM by Jesús_Marín Star rating in London. 55 forum posts Send private message

I would join any legal thing done, they don't want to get this right... and it is in their hands. I have people coming in August, fingers crossed.


Jesús Marín Translator

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30 Apr 2008 9:40 AM by Ian007 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

Just arrived back from Jimena and have now finished all that I set out to. Good to see Julie and I look forward to my next visit as and when I can. I was shocked to see the pool in such a state as the last time I was there it looked great. On the issue of any legal proceedings against Arenal. I would consider joining forces with other residents to consider some from of compensation against arenal but we would need to set out our objectives clearly from the outset. I note that Frustratedkeith is going to try to establish any legal remedy that may be available and from my point of view here is the start off the list, please feel free to add to it!!

Time - the length of time the developer has taken to get the devlopement to its present condition, and still not complete

The third block issue - we should have been given this information prior to completing on the property

Gated community - this was the main selling point but it is certainly far from that

As I said above please add any further issues which are important to you as a resident and perhaps we can start to fight back against Arenal for once. The devlopment is our responsibility and I am sure that if we all pull togeather in one direction then we will eventually get to were we all want to be!!!!!!!!!!


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30 Apr 2008 10:18 AM by mfurneaux Star rating in enfield, north londo.... 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi all i have just completed on my apartment which is block 1 ground floor on the corner next to swimming pool, i am hoping to get out to Jimena at the end of May (half term). Is there anyone who may be able to help with accommodation for that week ? if so could you post me a reply please. I too am dissapointed with a number of issues raised by yourselves and would be willing to join in with the fight for compensation. 

mark furneaux

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24 May 2008 11:11 AM by holdenandlee Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

Just back from a short visit. Must say was disappointed with the state of the pool, we had to use the pool up at the campsite for a swim as the municipal one is not yet open. The lifts are still not working, the pool is not ready, the garage doors are out of order and none of the snags have been carried out.

 Its as if thats it get on with it yourselves, although there was a workman in my appartment installing a flue to the boiler when I got there so there was some sign of life. Hopefully somethings may have moved on when I next get out there  in September but I am not holding out much hope.

BTW anyone yet got air-conditioning or considering it ?, I didnt notice any of the permanent residents with any.

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