Hi all,
I attended the community meeting on Saturday morning and thought I’d post a little summary of what was discussed.
First we went through the minutes of the previous meeting and a list of problems that were highlighted in a meeting on 18th December. We discussed what problems had been addressed by the community and by Arenal and which were in the process of being resolved. General points I can remember:
1)We are asked to keep the main doors closed. If there are enough funds in the pot they may consider buying automatic door closers.
2)The gate to the pool can be easily opened by lifting it off its hinges so a bar will be attached over the top to secure it.
3)The approach to the garage of block 1 will be lowered as it is too steep
4)Notice boards will be put in each portal
5)Do not put furniture and items in parking spaces as it is a fire risk
6)The ayuntamiento still have not switched on the street lights around the urbanisation after much chasing. In protest the residents are planning to close the road to the urb during the May feria when everyone will want to use the extra parking.
7)A main point was to discuss a shortfall in collection of community fees. Arenal owe 5.485,46 euros for the apartments they haven’t sold, although Elena reckoned they would pay up next week. The remaining residents who owe money were named and shamed to try to get them to pay up. Embarrassingly, all the culprits were English. We were told that if anyone falls more than three months in arrears they will be contacted by a lawyer. Three of the people have done this.
8) Because of the low funds we cannot complete the lifts as there is not enough money coming in to cover their maintenance costs.
9) We chose the material you would need to use if you decide to put awnings on your apartment. It is wide red and gold stripes – it is nicer than it sounds and was the best of a poor choice! A sample will be put on each notice board.
10)You can close in the laundry areas with glass but you must get permission and have white alu frames and leave the wrecker in place. One person has already done this but removed the wrecker and this caused a big argument!
11) You may have noticed a sign for a dentist on the balcony of one of the apartments. The dentist in question attended the meeting and asked if we would allow her to leave the sign there for a year to get her business off the ground. In return she would offer a discounted rate to residents! Everyone (except the president!) agreed to this and she was very pleased!!!
12) The swimming pool: It cannot open until we all have our individual water contracts, which the ever optimistic Elena thinks will happen next week. Also it needs to pass water testing. A lifeguard is not needed by law as the pool is so small. Each apartment will be given 6 wristbands and these will need to be worn around the pool. The gate will be opened each day. I’m not sure if the times were definitely agreed but I think it will be from 11am to 10pm. Only people who are paid up on community fees will be given wristbands.
13)Finally, the address for post to the apartments was sorted out. It will be Urbanisation Arenal, portal number, floor, then apartment as a letter from A-D. eg, if you are bloque 1, portal 2, 1st floor, flat 2 you will be Urb. Arenal 2-1B, Jimena. Get it?