The Comments |
Just returned from a two week break the first of which clashed with the spanish holy week therefore it wa busy. whilst it was good to see so many people enjoying themselves unfortunately we witnessed some not so plesant momments. While having a shower following a swim in the indoor pool two youths (not Spanish) decided to have a water fight armed with a shower head in hand causing water to go everywhere, this after the shorter of the two almost yanked the shower mounting off the wall by jumping up and grabbing it. Perhaps the answer is to fit the heads on an adjusting height pole which would eliminate the need to remove the head ? Also saw another youth get out of the pool and immediately started using the gym equipment
On several occasions we saw children picking the heads off the beautiful flowers within the complex. A boy aged about 7 and a girl about 5 actually picked off 11 heads before I shouted at them to stop, they immediately ran away.
Was hoping that the Graffitti problem in Spain would miss us until I saw DASH written in several places albeit so far only in chalk. Lets all hope that this mindless idiot was only here short term and will not return, probably wishfull thinking ?
Finally one of the headrests in the Jaccuzzi is broken and is only just maintaining its correct position so be careful not to use it for support when entering as there is an accident waiting to happen.
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Two wasps .I applaud the fact that you spoke up and told the culprits,we all have an investment here and the need to not walk by,but let culprits realise know that ant-social behaviour will not be tolerated.
But the flowers will grow again and the chalk can be washed off,and the showers survived.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 3/30/2008.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Very true Kenshaz, the flowers will grow again but I'm not so sure how long the showers will survive? While the graffitti idiot is only using chalk at the momment if he is going to be a regular visitor how long before he he brings a can of spray with him?
I don't want to sound all doom and gloom it's just that we have a beautiful complex at the momment and it would be a terrible shame to see it deteriate before we have all had time to enjoy it.
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I agree with all your sentiments,but we must be realistic,and we must not feel that our urbanisation will be spoilt ,the complex and facilities have to be used, and there will always be a minority who make a mess and do damage and have no respect for the community.Because we cannot vet all rental applicants, but if we maintain standards and allow for some deterioration in our annual budget ,problems and defects must be corrected quickly .because if they are left ,some will believe that what does it matter it was a mess any-how.
I feel very positive ,but I am also a realist. I actually feel inspired by your comments and observations ,because the majority are like you ,and they will not allow a slide backwards,so be happy and enjoy.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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"there will always be a minority who make a mess and do damage and have no respect for the community"
Exactly. This is why the Community needs to discuss and implement, (I hate to use the word), 'rules'.
In my view, one of the rules regarding abuse should be 'two strikes and you are out'. It is probable that the majority of abuse will be from renters and believe me, I have some very bad experiences, including one from a family I thought I knew. Therefore, be realistic, but also it must be made clear that abuse will not be tolerated and will be severely dealt with, within the law of course. This could mean renters being evicted without compensation. Furthermore, where it is established that one or more owners' guests are spoiling the development for others, a system of fines needs to be agreed, if allowable under Spanish law.
I remember when I first started renting out my holiday home some 20 years ago, the management company I was using at the time said "when you rent out, you have to accept that it is no longer your home". Fortunately the cases of abuse are few , but in two cases, horrific. For those who have not rented out before, I wish you well, but ensure your rental agreements with your guests agree to your terms and conditions and sign your booking form accepting same. If any of you wish to see a copy of the T & C's I use, please send a pm
Where a strong community exists with fair, sensible and enforceable rules, it should remain as attractive as it was from inception.
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I would actually encourage owners to take a copy of Grumpies terms and conditions,because it will set the standard for users of our development,
I am also sorry to say ,he has the advantage of being old and experienced .
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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I agree with what Grumpyoldgit has said about having enforceable procedures in place for anybody abusing the facilities at Thalassa.
I think we also need to remember that it is not necessarily always going to be renters that cause the problems. When I was over in February, I saw children throwing tennis balls off a second floor balcony with total disregard for the safety of others - they were the children of an owner.
Has anybody actually established that the youths in the spa were children of renters or is that just an assumption?
Therefore, I think we need to establish what will be done if an owner causes a nuisance as well as renters.
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Point taken, perhaps I am being a bit over possessive although I will struggle not to intervene when I see things that I don't approve of. Lucky I forgot to mention the group of lads two of whom were hitting the white stones from the edge of the grass everywhere with tennis rackets.
Grumpyoldgit's reputation is really blown now, just look for a bloke walking around with a permanent grin on his face, he's bound to be our man.
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I also have the Victor Meldrew syndrome and I am always getting dirty looks from my embarrassed wife,because I have to speak out ,I just cannot help myself.
Grumps has now been unearthed,we have discovered his warm sensitive side,the grin has broken into laughter. This message was last edited by kenshaz on 4/2/2008.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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I agree with all, and will continue to intervene appropriately when I witness misdemeanours whoever the culprits are. If we all do the same then they'll soon get the message. 
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