The Comments |
Year after year I read the same messages. When will this be finished.When will the water /electricity be turned on.Every thing will be great when it is finished.There is an over run on the fees..When will the golf course be ready.When will the pools be open.When will the lifts work properly.
I would like to know is when will the residents say enough is enough.I would like to purchase on this development as I do like the location but every time I look at the forums there seems to be another problem.
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I do not think that it is appropriate for anyone to declare a Group of people the "most "anything..
However, if you feel like something has to be done to put more pressure on the developper to speed things up, I am supportive of whatever practical suggestions you might have. I have purchased in Phase 6 and visited the site lately. I do not think that there is any property in Benalmadina that meets the same high quality and privileged location standards. The delay in the completion and the few glitches here and there are not unusual in my opinion and nothing alarming. When you become a resident, it will be up to you to make things happen and your leadership will be very welcome, but until then, it would be nice if you would refrain from unjustly sticking a label to the people that contribute so positively and with dedication to this very important forum..
With regards,
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You are very touchy.Maybe I could have added two words so it read Are we the most passive purchasers in Spain.It was asked in good faith as a talking point.I do not wish to declare any Group anything.You seem to have little to do but try and decifer my words.As usual you came up with the wrong conclusion.
However if I feel like I putting pressure on the developer you are the last person I would look to for support.I know from your email where you stand.But you have really put most of our minds at rest for sure now.While several of us where pulling our hair out about club houses,golf courses losing our morgages due to completion dates you knew all along it was just a two or three year clitch and nothing alarming. Well thanks alot.
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AG is a massive development caught up in in the credit crises, but if you have not bought in then but OUT. We have had our apartment for over 2 years , frustrating it may well be . Progress may be slow but it is progressing which in many other locations has come to a halt. If you want to sit on the fence then so be it . In your superior wisdom can you please tell me where I may buy an apartment on the CDS with a better spec /price than AG. Replies on a postage stamp! You may have got the response you wanted, then again my regular flights are booked for 2008. Where in the world are you going on Holiday,
Enjoy your Tea & Coffee facilities.
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Thanks Codhead, I couldn't agree more with what you said.
Mlaw, I am not touchy at all, I have past that age:)..I really did enquire in March 08 around Benalmadena about properties. You might disagree, but the market appears to still be a seller market as far as prices and quality are concerned. The average price of a new 2 bedrooms flat is around 250k to 300k (without taking into account the tax) in a location and setting way below AG. This makes AG a very attractive investment. For people like me who are thinking of a retirement place in the sun, AG is ideal, it is 20 minutes from a major City and airport, with state of the art facilities (for old farts like me) (e.g., best hospital in the Region accross the street) and other major attractions. Yes, the delay is annoying, an average of 1 year from committed completion (mine was going to complete last september but is due now next september). When I said I am willing to be involved to put pressure on the developper, I meant it, but I look at things in a different perspective, while I think it is good to raise the concern, it is not that good to alarm, especially when there no reason for doing so. As Codhead noted, work is progressing on completion and it is being done with a lot of professionalism (maybe a bit too slow for us impatient buyers) but what we bargained for is being delivered to us, there is no doubt about it. I lived in other countries for a while and saw the real nightmare of off plan development projects going belly up. You're talking about the developper disappearing overnight and buyers left haunting the court rooms for years. Lets count our blessing and look forward to making AG the best palce to be in the whole Costa Del Sol area (sorry for this last sentence..I know that it might irritate you but I really mean it)
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Hi lweld, Codhead, and Martin(M),
Thank's to you all for providing a sensible perspective on the current situation at Arenal Golf.
Julie & Nigel
This message was last edited by jool25 on 5/4/2008.
This message was last edited by jool25 on 5/5/2008.This message was last edited by jool25 on 5/5/2008.
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To jool25 Martin and Lweld
I have read your responces and can see where you are coming from.I can see you are happy with Arenal Golf.I have said on many occassions The development looks good,,not sure I agree with prices being so good .I may get a bit hot under the collar from time to time when I have been messed about by developers,lawyers and selling agents.So I do reserve my right to say my bit and do appreciate your replies.
To codhead I can only say your forum name suites you.I will " BUTT in or BUTT " out as I see fit.
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As I said before it is no good sitting on the fence with your negative views on AG. You may want to BUTT in with your criticism on this forum or get hot under the collar! If you are not planing on buying what influence can you achive? Slating the developers does not help in any form whatsoever, if you have a problem with agents buy private as I did, I could also recommend a good lawyer who completed all our paperwork in one visit, not a problem. Since my time at AG a large amount of remedial work has been carried out to a high standard. Keeping a positive outlook and vision for the future of AG is the way forward. Building work on new developments is rapidly slowing down which you may well have noticed and alternative employment will be required for the construction trades. This will be a time when the new projects will kick in eg: Al baytar park. railway station at AG, these can only compliment the urbanization.
Passive purchaser ? NO . Optimistic purchaser YES.
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Sorry couldn't resist but given the 'butt' correction, I should add that responses doesn't have a c in it and occasions is not double s.
Anyway, here's my view of things for anyone interested...
We bought on Phase 3 in December 06 and have had many fine holidays so far. Yes, it's filthy outside with all the building dust and irritating that the roundabouts are left to grow weeds. It was bloody frustrating when we completed and found that we didn't have water and then when we did, the washing machine developed a leak. Oh and the hob wasn't connected and even now the safe only works with the key. And when will THAT golf course be finished......
That said, our experience is no different to moving into our new house in England. Banging water pipes, cracked floor tiles, faulty alarm system, birds nesting in the roof (don't ask!), dirty roads for 2 years until the builders finally finished, snagging, snagging, snagging!!!! And before anyone should comment, we bought from a highly respectable builder.
Why should we expect any different in Spain? Yes, I know that Phase 4 people have suffered due to company changes but actually from what we can see, the new builders seem to be doing a sterling job. I am rather jealous of the glass doors which protect the mail boxes from the wet and wind! Given the size of this development, I don't think that the time delay was too protracted - if I was MD of a company, I would certainly want every little bit of that site surveyed and every legal document scrutinised before I took it on.
I'm still on the fence as to whether we have made a good investment in the medium to long term but by god, we're having some cracking holidays in the meantime!!!
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I absolutely agree with DB we bought on Phase 3 and have had all the usual problems but we go over 4 times a year and thoroughly enjoy ourselves every time. The apartments are the best that we have ever stayed in and I am not just saying that because we own it!!!! (over the last 35 years we must have stayed in nearly a 100 by now).
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Pamela,DB ,Iweld.
What have you actually bought. I thought i had bought a first floor apartment in block 5 Phase 4 only to find out i was on the grrond floor.I also thought I had free golf for life plus free gym facilities ,plus club house. I have tried to purchase again on this site but nobody can say for sure how many people can play golf per apartment ,is the gym free to residence.Is there going to be a vote to golf membership.I was as gullable as all .I beleived the selling brochure.What is your understanding as to your total rights.
Noboby but no body since can assure me of what they are actually selling.
BD I have not checked the spelling,Enjoy.
Hope everyone gets what they are expecting
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Funnily enough we were going ahead with a first floor apartment on phase 3 and noticed a ground floor one for sale and went for that instead. We have lost our seaview but now have a lovely mountain view, which I feel is more interesting and a huge patio. We are so pleased we have the large patio, we spend most of our time on it.
The gym,golf club, golf course will be up and running I would have thought within six months and IF we get all that for free it will be a bonus in our eyes.
The main thing we love about Arenal is the area it is in, right in the middle of the pueblo, Aroyo and the beach. There is a lovely clubhouse at the top of the road that we go to with stunning views and lovely food and my hubby has been around their golf course a couple of times but as I 'proper' golfer he always knew that the course on Arenal was only ever going to be a par 3. He goes off playing at the numerous other courses in the area when we are over with his 'new mates' he has made from the Mimosa restaurant up at the Pueblo who run a golf society from there. I must admit that when our course is open I am going to have another 'dabble' into learning, whether I have to pay for the pleasure or not.
I can't believe you are still looking for a place on Arenal when all you do is moan about it. TO EACH THEIR OWN AND I FOR ONE LOVE IT THERE - WARTS AND ALL. We looked all over the Costa del Sol before settling for this complex and now we are there we wouldn't change a thing.
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Hi MLaw
We bought a top floor apartment directly from the builders and got a top floor apartment. I think there was some confusion between the British and Spanish interpretation of the floor numbering which led to some people being disappointed.
We bought on Arenal because of the fantastic access to the airport (and living only 20 minutes from Manchester airport, it means we can get over to Spain quicker than the south coast of England). We didn't buy primarily for the golf course (as it has been said already, it would never be a 'proper' course for the 'proper' golfer but given the proximity to other fantastic courses, this would never be an issue for us). However, it does mean that we can be sure that no one will build on this land in the future as it is owned by the Arenal Golf community. A BIG ATTRACTION to us.
I guess the course will be busy during certain parts of the year and possibly owners will have to pay for playing on it but I would hope that this would offset our community charges somewhat. I suppose if you sit back and think rationally about what Arenal 2000 said about the free golf, you would have to question this. At the end of the day the course will be managed by an Administration company and it is up to the residents to decide how best to fund the running/upkeep costs be it through community charges or pay and play or as I suspect both. One would be pretty naive to believe everything that Arenal said!!
MLaw, you are in a fantastic buying position at the moment given the state of the housing market over in Spain (or to be more blunt the over supply of 2 bed 2 bath apartments). You could no doubt pick up a great bargain on any of the phases or indeed walk away and look elsewhere. But, you've got to ask yourself why do you keep coming back to this forum??
In the meantime, I shall just sit back and enjoy a glass of ice cold Rose on my balcony watching the sunset over the sea and the twinkling lights of Benalmadena and think about all you poor people who so very nearly did.......
p.s. it's DB not BD
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