In response to the received emails from a few people on this web site, it has been suggested that the developer needs a gentle nudge from all of us. The developer in the past month or so as seen no hindrance whatsoever and has had the full tolerant cooperation from everyone concerned, but this help and understanding as not got to be one sided.
Its no use all of us, more so the developer, waiting around for the occupation licence to be granted then be told sign now!, only to find out that.
(a) Apartments still need snagging or snagging to be finished.
(b) Remedial repair work around the complex that still needs doing.
(c) Minor defects in the stuka and plastered walls have not been repaired.
(d) Items in kitchen/bathroom/utility rooms are still outstanding.
The above items I am sure you will agree, could and should be finished by the developers immediately, even if necessary, from their own funds and later claimed back, whilst waiting for the occupation licence. I for one am not stupid enough to suggest that the developer is sitting around all day doing nothing. But none the less it should be done, and done now!!
We should be asking our own lawyers for answers that barren areas are going to have plants/shrubs installed, in the immediate future, now is prime planting time.
Confirmation that any future work commissioned by Mijas/Malaga council involving the integration of the road at the rear of FSA will not cost the community of FSA any money at all and that sufficient fund have been provided and accepted by Mijas/Malaga council.
That gym equipment will be installed. It has been suggested that we could provide some second hand equipment this is ok in principle, but when we get a management company in they will probably say they can’t find a company to maintain them. New equipment provided by the developer will come with a manufactures guarantee for a few years and local Spanish companies will maintain them easily.
What happened to the elaborate hifi speaker system we were going to get that was going to connect the living room to the main bedroom or the outside terrace?
The jazz bar come restaurant or has this sales pitch been forgotten, or was all that a dream?.
We have not completed and nether have many of you. We together can get this work completed and answers in writing.
There are people before me who wrote articles like this and have been persecuted not just by the developers but by other buyers and called doom and gloom merchants, but what I have said is pure common and economic sense.
There are some buyers who at this moment are trying to take the developers through the legal system for defaulting.
I know some will view this as a negative, but the plain and simple truth is, it is us that are being defaulted.
This year for the first time people have lived there for long periods and through their own initiatives kept the place very presentfull and rubbish free. But to live there under conditions of sparse electricity (pitch black at night), and sometimes in the past had no water for sanitation, very little if any security, must be very stressful and mustn’t warrant everyone’s dream of a home in the sun, not to mention how renters must view the place and question their legality if anything went wrong whilst staying there.
But all of you must be like me, sick and tired of having to wait any longer, for me now its been 3 ½ years, and the last 2 I have been constantly fobbed off with poor excuses that basically are an insult to our intelligences, I would go along with the developers if everything was 100% finished and all we were waiting for was the licence, I would sign faster then any of you lot because I love the place!!! And I don’t want to loose another year of my life.
Owners and Future residents of FSA, Past and Present Members of this web page, lets get together and get things done. By working together we can finally resolve the whole issue and look forward to living in a fantastic development
Thank you.