Dear Ogo
Thankyou for your constructive message you sent previously. We understand that you indeed would like to do what you can to support the situation as do many others and we really do apreciate this. Its at times like this we really see the true strength of our customers and we too would like you to know that we are also doing all possible
every second of the day . We also hope that you understand that sometimes we are also without information as I think you realise that as soon as we have something to give as information that we would do so as we understand that knowledge of the situation to our customers is helpful to all.
Therefore this is why we are passing the information to you from Antonio/ head office to say that it would be extremely beneficial for those agents/ customers to present themselves individually or together to the council of council of Campos del Rio as some of our other customers have been doing and have advised the others to do so.They have said that it would prove to be very beneficial. As you know we have done this ourselves on many occasions but we have been advise by some customers that if the E
nglish / Irish customers were to present themselves as a whole then this would add to the pressure.
Just to also update you , we have also been advised to ask the agents to send a Buro fax to the council stating the number of customers that are affected in this situation whilst the Mayor is abstaining to vote. This fax would be sent directly for the attention to the mayor to show him exactly who is affecting
We are everyday thinking of the most effective way to get this solutioned and as you can see we are using all avenues....hope you understand...Thanks for your support