Hi. I'am at 101 and have had the same problem with dampness. In November El Trampolin removed the outside tiles and cladding, rendered and applied a grey elastic paint, the replaced the tiles and cladding. On the inside they removed the plaster and let it dry for a couple of days and then applied new plaster. I was then told I would have to wait for the plaster to dry before painting would be carried out.
In December we returned and found the new plaster to be black with mould.
In January Trampolin removed the earth along the side of the villa where the dampness first started. They then excavated a trench along the full side of the villa all the way to the main drain. They poured concrete into the trench and then painted it with the elastic paint. They then backfilled the trench with gravel. The theory is that the earth around the vilaas holds water for a long time and is then slowly released into the foundations causing dampness. They hope that the wetness will collect on the gravel and run down to the main drain. It remains to see if this is effective.
I have started to install guttering around the villa to prevent rainwater from the roof soaking into the cladding on the lower walls around the villa. I have also installed new drains for the rain water to drain into.
I will attempt to post some photos on the site.
Ernie & Chris