The Comments |
I have no idea, all I know is there is a lot of mint leaves floating about in them and probably copious amounts of vodka!!
Well, I've done all my shopping for the weekend, just in case we are snowed in or have a nuclear war, housework done and a nice long weekend off work to look forward to. (Not like me to be so organised, quite proud of myself if truth be known (as Nessa would say) .

This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 02/04/2010.
Actually a mojito is rum based, had a few on a visit to Cuba a few years ago.
It's a couple of teaspoons of sugar, half a dozen mint leaves, half a lime and a double rum. Crush up em all (in Cuba they used a mortar and pestle type thingy) and pour into a glass. Add crushed ice (stick in a tea towel and hammer the ice) and top up with soda water.
Mmmmm. The taller the glass, the more refreshing on a hot day. Personally, at night, I use a tiny glass so it doesn't get spoilt by all that tonic water.
Oooo that sounds good, let me see, what have I got?
Rum? No, it'll have to be brandy. Mint? No, but I have got basil. Ice? Well I've got coke icepops. Soda water? No, I know there's a bit of flat fanta orange in the fridge.
So I could do a rum and basil with fanta! Does'nt sound quite so good does it really?
I'll stick with the G and T untill the the shops reopen on saturday.
Have fun, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Febe, that sounds like when I went for a meal round a friend of mine some years back. I'd given her my recipe for ribs and she said, "I didn't have wine vinegar so I used malt. Couldn't find the soy sauce so I used Lea and Perrins, didn't have brown sugar so I used white. Oh, and ran out of oregano so I stuck in some basil".
Then she said, "Eat up everyone, if it's no good blame Bob because it's his recipe."
"Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
That's true Roberto, stange, very strange, weird in fact... but true!
But why is it that even though a persons brain can do as Roberto suggested, that when I and others post an opinion, even when the spelling is spot on... people either still misread what we are saying or just don't read everything in the post, just pick up on one thing and then try and mutilate us for it?
In topic with this thread... I think all poloticians should be placed on a small atol in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and nuked... as shooting is too good for them!!!
Well, that's my opinion anyway!
Oh hell! Gone and done it now... wait for it!!! 
Just wait until 'they' see this thread!
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 02/04/2010.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Hi Kids,
I'm not very good at following a recipe either. There are times Chris says to me ''that was nice, what was it?'', I just made it up as I went along, I've cooked it, he wants a bl***y name for it as well!
Techno, (may I shorten your name?)
I do'nt know why that happens either, thats why I started this thread.
Can I just ask that no one rieses to any unnecessarily nasty or hurtfull comments. Not on this thread any way.
I will not apologise if I make a spelling mistake, I've explained that here already.
Esteban tells me I can't round them up, put them in a field and shoot them. You sugest a wee bit of nuking, thats just getting as bad as the Americans, who, by the way, could be rounded up, put in a field and shot, if I had my way! This is only my opinion! So what else can we do with them? Wales still springs to mind!
Play nicely every one.
This message was last edited by Febe on 02/04/2010.
No matter where you go, there you are.
"But why is it that even though a persons Hello! Apostrophise, please, Techno! brain can do as Roberto suggested, that when I and others post an opinion, even when the spelling is spot on... people either still misread what we are saying or just don't read everything in the post, just pick up on one thing and then try and mutilate us for it?
In topic with this thread... I think all poloticians Uh-oh! Deploy spellcheck, please! should be placed on a small atol in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean Good luck finding an atoll (two "ll"s) in the Atlantic. Fact check, please! and nuked... as shooting is too good for them!!!"
All done in the best possible taste, and actually just emphasises your point!!! 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
But you do have atolls in the Atlantic Ocean, as can be demonstrated by visiting here! 
As for the spelling mistakes... erm... umm... ah! 
Very unusall for me, but I think my use of 'persons' was correct... no?
You can see how easy it is to side track a thread, can't you! In my opinion.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Good evening Roberto,
How are you this fine evening?
I can't find the spellcheck here! Where is it?
I go to 'post reply', I've got a blue strip at the top saying ''post reply, Return to thread'', under that I have a grey strip with things like 'Source, cut, copy, paste etc. I have an ABC with a line through it saying 'strike through' but no spellcheck!
Right at the top of my page I have 'File, no ABC in there, Edit, no ABC in there etc, so where is it?
Please help.
Regards, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Actually, TechnoApe, Roberto is correct. A brain of a person = a person's brain. The apostrophe indicates ownership.
As Sir Tom Jones might sing, "It's not unusual."
As an addition to the recent cocktail-based "spirit" of this thread, I'd like to add my own favourite - a "Paradise" - equal measures of gin and apricot brandy, over ice, as much or as little orange juice as you like, topped up with soda water to taste. Delicious! Perhaps this could be added to the list of lovely stuff which Febe has started!
Happy Easter, everyone!
This message was last edited by Rosa Fay on 02/04/2010. This message was last edited by Rosa Fay on 02/04/2010.
_______________________ Rosa Fay
A-ha! Not unusual (or "unusall" if you-apostrophe-re Techno) to resort to Wikipedia, but dangerous to depend on it-apostrophe-s reliability. All those so-called Atlantic atolls are actually in the Caribbean Sea. Sort of Atlantic, in a not-Pacific sense, but not really. 
Wikipedia also suggests that a mojito should be made with white rum, which most people would presume to be Bacardi, but I noticed in the video I posted earlier that they were using Havana Club, which isn't really white, is it? And that video was supposedly at the Bodeguita del Medio in Cuba where the drink was supposedly invented.
Febe, if you install the Google toolbar on your browser, you will have a spell checker available to you. You can install it from here.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
That's the great thing about this forum, there's always someone who will have the right recipe. Thanks Bob and Roberto. I don't know what's happened to my computer, but for some reason the video was blank. I can see it on my work computer though, strange! Could you post it agin Roberto? Or maybe I've got something switched off on mine. . Technically challenged as I am 
We had our mojitos at the La Bodeguita, Roberto. If you wanted white rum, they used white sugar. A darker rum and they used brown sugar.
They had about 30 or 40 different types of rum on the shelf ranging from the Bacardi type up to the very dark Myers type rum. Even Bacardi there came in 4 or 5 different shades. Appleton 151 was the worst as, no matter how much you diluted it, the strong taste of the rum still came through. 151 is the US proof which makes it 75.5% ABV (the guy in the shop I bought a bottle from said he fills his Zippo lighter up with it). They did have one in a barrel but, as it still had bits of sugar cane floating on top, I didn't want to take the chance of going blind!
I'm not using my computer, and this keyboard is not as 'user' friendly as mine... so that 'll' must have been a typo! 
Roberto, I've never noticed the spellcheck function on the Google toolbar, having said that I don't usually need it. 
Must admit, in my opinion, this drink called a mojito sounds well wicked, so will have to give this recipe a try! oh yes!
That is, in my opinion!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Well, once you've installed the toolbar, you can choose which options you want displayed. Spell check is one of them. I don't use it either, it's just extra clutter so I have it hidden, and only activate it to use the spell check when absolutely necesary neccesarry neccessarry needed.
There was a Bodeguita del Medio in Palma when we lived there; to be honest, after more than a couple of mojitos, it really didn't matter what the heck they put in it!
If you want to try some genuine Spanish gut-rot, look out for a spirit called aguadiente. It comes in various guises and strengths (ranging from lethal to barely legal). A literal translation I suppose would be tooth water; perhaps it's used by dentists to anaesthetise (thanks spell checker!) patients; perhaps it just strips the enamel from your teeth? I believe it is traditionally made from the skin of the grape, and a shot is taken by farmers in the morning to keep them warm in the fields. If anyone does try it, don't forget to come back and post your opinion here - if you can!

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Roberto,
Aguardiente, got some of that (the bottle I have spells it with an 'R'.)A spainish friend gave it to us, not tried it yet, will let you know when we do!
Thanks for the link re: toolbar, I will install it later. Right now we have places to do, people to go and things to see! Not touched a drop, promise.
Take care, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Aguardiente would make sense as it means firewater (literally - burning water) a combination of agua (water) and ardiente.
And I don't mind getting blind drunk, it's the going blind that concerns me.
Thanks Bob, that makes much more sense. Now I needn't worry about my teeth anymore. Cheers!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain