The Comments |
I'm well aware many do post on forums from work. Naughty, naughty. No wonder the country is in a state.
My friend regularly Skypes from his work. No, the business is not his to abuse either!
When my OH was working he had internet access during his lunch break only, it was restricted to his work other times, which, I think, is 100% correct.
I would have loved a job with a PC with unlimited access to my favourite groups & friends using Skype. When I worked computers had JUST been installed & I left before I was expected to use one.
Wonder who will own up.

I now work from home - writing articles and blogs on my PC - so does that count?! 
When I did work in an office, although there was nothing to stop us using our PC for personal emails etc, I usually restricted this to lunchtimes. Mind you, as our manager went for lunch at a different time to us, our lunch break used to be extended!
The advantage of working from home is that I can have a glass of wine beside me....
PS Only when I am working the evening shift though!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
I'll let YOU off, Sue. AND you can drink that vino tinto anytime you email me, ok? 
Of course I mean if someone is paying you to do a job FOR THEM & you are not!
Why did I know this thread would be quiet? A few guilty consciences I guess! 
165 wanted to see who the 3 were, lol! 
I do; it's a distraction from tedium. I have also been known to post a loaded question to analyse the response for an article I am working on. Relax; I used (abused) the Daily Mail's forums. Do I have to sit on the bad boy's step?

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
I MEANT who posts on forums, Skypes with family & friends etc when they are being paid to WORK! 
My guess is MANY, seeing as no one is admitting they do.
I post from work - but just like suemac... my business is my own, and I am home based. Not safe for me to have vino next to me whilst working though! I save that for evenings... and then pray that they come earlier every day LOL
Elle xx
Sorry Elle You, Sue & I don't qualify ... but there ARE many who do & they're not telling! 
Can't ALL be retired or out of work!

Anyway it's after 5pm in Spain so come join Sue & I in a glass of red, Elle.
(Of COURSE it's NOT too early, Sue! Since when did you say 'no' to a free vino?)
This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/05/2010.

You just want our wine, tell the truth!
This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/05/2010.
The Canaries are on UK time morerosado (great username by the way!) - so it's only 4:20 here.... but I'll still come join you for a weasel glass of wine! I'll stick to the white though - red does horrible things to my head... even in small quantities. I do like a cheeky rosado now and again though too.
Right - am at a suitable place to stop working for the day I think. So I shall have a quick mooch on Facebook... then feed and walk the beasties... and then settle down with the big fella for a night of suitably trashy telly and some decent food. Hurrah!
Have a good evening everyone!
Elle xx
I do too ... I don't have internet access at home so I have to post from work .... I also use skype to ring my mother every day (sometimes twice!) .... but, I have a fantastic boss who doesn't actually mind us using the internet as long as we don't use it to look for jobs or gamble ....

I am fine with writing; I have little choice as I do so for a living. Sadly, even a glass of wine taken when working and I just can't seem to get it write ... there, see what I mean? Conversely, when I chill by composing poetry the wine actually helps to bring it all together so perfectly.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Ok Buzylizzie you're exempt as you have a lovely boss who is aware of you using the internet & doesn't mind AND I much approve of you Skyping with your mum, I wish mine was still around so I could do the same but I lost her 16 years ago.
Guess you want a glass too, do you? Come on, why not. I should open some white if I can find some, can't have red going to Elle's head now!
EDITED TO ADD: I have found some white ... but wow, quite a sizeable glass, Elle. 
Mike can have a glass, one won't hurt you, Mike, you are your own boss. (And I did see you called me honey yesterday ).
This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/05/2010.
Okay, honey!
It's true ... look at the time! The sun's dropped below the yard arm. Bottoms up, ladies; here's to health, wealth and 'appiness. Ya'll have a nice evening now that Monday is out of the way. Not that I know what day it is, usually.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Thank you for inviting me to join you all in a glass of wine earlier, however on Monday evenings we help a friend´s daughter with English, so as I type I am still on my first glass of wine this evening (blanco for a change)! We had to take Melissa home after her lesson, then walk our dog Lisa, and I take my child teaching and dog walking duties seriously! Still, the night is young.......!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
It KEEPS saying 'please enter text' but I HAVE!
I just did a copy/paste job that I saved from the previous post which didn't want to post & didn't.
Posting today is VERY erratic!