Dear All,
it was not that long ago that we were promised a new age of reduced work and increased leisure, surely you have not forgotten?
the robots were taking over!!!!
instead we have got the benefit culture, while others slave all hours and make extra payments to top up their pensions, which they cannot have until years later, because we cannot afford it now while we pay the benefits and expenses to millionaire MP thieves.
but you will never stop the dreamers here dreaming of better weather, more opportunities and a more relaxed lifestyle.
unfortunately it seems that Spain no longer promises that for many.
as More says...................
"I personally know three couples who are returning soon & they are not young either just not quite of retirement age so need to work."
this of course assumes that no one needs to work here to avoid starvation, even if they have not been contributing for years.
Something seems to have gone wrong, if you have not earned a benefit, that is simple charity, isn't it????
Who can afford charity if they are bankrupt?????
Oh dear, I am confused again.