Bad news in the U.K.

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27 Jul 2010 2:37 PM by vilprano Star rating. 55 posts Send private message

You appear to be coping well with travelling between homes, we have been back and forward looking for our ideal move following a big dissapointment in the past (98K loss) for 3 plus years.

However in three weeks I will be travelling to our new home by van via Santander then back by plane after a week to pick up wife and two dogs then repeat the journey by car to enjoy our retirement.

I found your post quite humerous and perhaps someone can answer your questions,

I wonder why women with beautiful blonde hair go to all the trouble of dying the roots black?

How do we keep the Off Topic heading on thread?

Hope you achieve a UK sale soon to complete the move we have just sold after almost three years.  

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27 Jul 2010 2:43 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 just to add to Bobaol "mysteries of life".......

Why do people seem to post irrelevant statments which sole intentions are to wind up Tecno and Bob..?

Why, when we have flies, which have the sole purpose of annoyance......was another pointless irritating creature created?

Why does the asylum allow unmonitored internet access?

figure those three out and we can move on to world peace..................................

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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27 Jul 2010 4:13 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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A friend of mine sent me this from the uk.

Do not watch this if you are easily offended.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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27 Jul 2010 4:54 PM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

Not much one can say georgia, scum, comes to mind but hardly comes near to a proper description. As an older generation used to say, lock them up and throw away the key.


The young soldier who watched it sumed it up perfectly. Quote-

Im 26 years old and done 5 years in the army fighting for my country, iv come out and im jobless, with nothing coming up! Strugling to pay bills.
A friend of mine went to jail for robbery and assault. Done 6 month. when he came out, His probation found him a house fully furnished, gave him money to decorate and found him full time job as a Cheif. he didnt have to do nothing!



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27 Jul 2010 5:23 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 I am afraid this is at the point of no return and just the tip of the iceberg.

The sky news coverage of a grandfather being attacked by two 14 year olds and murdered in front of his 3 year old grandaughter on Sky News made me feel sick.




sorry to shout but who let this lot destroy a once great country????????

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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27 Jul 2010 5:54 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


I'm sure any decent person will agree with moves against cruelty to humans and animals, and other issues in the video, and we know it goes on, but let's not pretend this is a UK only problem. If this sort of video helps some expats justify their choice to move to Spain, then that's their choice, but it's very obvious to some of us that it's not telling the whole story. There is much cruelty and injustice in all countries if you scrape the surface. Women for instance in Spain haven't even been treated as equals in Spain for very long and suffered terrible abuse by their own husbands within the law!, that alone strangers!, and animal welfare and laws against cruelty in Spain are way behind the UK. If someone wanted to highlight animal cruelty in Spain, I have no doubt that it would make the UK look very good. 

The video is little more than far right wing propoganda. I trust most people are bright enough to realise that. Their is good and bad everywhere.

We choose to see what we want to see, or we go with open eyes.

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27 Jul 2010 6:59 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

** EDITED  Please respect terms of posting **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 28/07/2010.

N. Sands

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27 Jul 2010 7:12 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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Oh shut up Norman.  You are getting to be rather a BOF at the moment.  You may not have noticed but all property is falling in price.  Of course, not blessed with the crystal ball you so obviously have, I was unaware a worldwide recession was coming.  Not alone there, am I.  However, rather have a house I like worth half the price than none at all like you.  Perhaps if you put a bit more effort into your search you might now be enjoying the fruits of the sunshine instead of becoming known as the saddo of the site.

Just because the internet allows you to connect and make a complete prat of yourself to a worldwide audience, it doesn't necessarily follow that you are obliged to do so.


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27 Jul 2010 8:51 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

** EDITED  Please respect terms of posting **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 28/07/2010.

N. Sands

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27 Jul 2010 9:10 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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You just can't help yourself, can you Norman?  In your broken English you drivel away as if you know what you are talking about.  I would assume Leicester (where I don't live, it's Leicestershire) is very different from Herne Bay. Well done with houses selling quickly.  Did you not read the other post where it was reported someone is moving to Spain and they have sold their house after 3 years?  Obviously not.  But why let the facts get in the way of your spite. 

There is another thread on good and bad things about Spain.  Well, the good thing is that you're not there and, if your previous failures of purchasing are anything to go by, you never will be.  Keep up the Spacklish, or whatever your main language is.  It's all drivel to me as you are a total irrelevance. 

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27 Jul 2010 10:32 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

** EDITED  Please respect terms of posting **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 28/07/2010.

N. Sands

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28 Jul 2010 12:02 AM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 posts Send private message

Keep hitting the spam button guys - it got rid of him last time.  I think he gets access to the internet when his carer leaves the door unlocked.  Total drivel.



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28 Jul 2010 9:57 AM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

Norman - I am sure techno would not claim to be a genius, but he might agree that the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.


This message was last edited by redsam79 on 28/07/2010.



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28 Jul 2010 10:47 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear All,

please be good enough to correct me if I am wrong but as I understand it the post was frank and informative with candour and actual real valuations.

surely then it was to be taken seriously.

therefore on simple analysis it shows that had Bob sold both properties two years ago and bought one on this humble estate in Herne Bay he would have made an increase in his investment and not made the disastrous loss he claims.

a further valid question for EOS is, has CDS, Techno and Justin made similar losses?

why this should lead to much personal abuse (all allowed by Justin without comment) is a mystery to me.

a greater mystery is what sort of intellect is required to believe that such personal attack could have any effect on the property market?



N. Sands

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28 Jul 2010 11:07 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Hello Norman

I have no idea why your posts were deleted or why you are treated so badly here. My observations are that you receive far more 'rants' and vicious spiteful comments than could ever be attributed to you, in fact I have seen some shocking responses to some of your deleted comments that have remained on-line......why???? But somehow other people ranting on seems to be acceptable on EOS, the hypocrisy is breathtaking to say the least.

Personally I  think you are very perceptive, see through all the spin perpetuated by some and raise valid and pertinent points,  it is to their shame that they have to respond the way they do.

Best regards, Poppyseed


This message was last edited by Poppyseed on 28/07/2010.



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28 Jul 2010 11:37 AM by TP1 Star rating in Milton Keynes and Ca.... 161 posts Send private message

Well said Poppyseed,


Although i feel i am somewhat at a disatvantage as i cannnot see what Norman said as it has been deleted.  But like you, i value Normans contributions.



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28 Jul 2010 11:55 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear Poppyseed,

thank you

but I think Justin has lost his way somewhat

if EOS is just to become a "sillies" backslapping forum I shall be quitting anyway

I have little time for the "not sensible" and cannot cope at all with any hiding the "truth".

I suggest Justin restores the posts and lets people judge for themselves since I do not believe there was anything in them that anyone could reasonably object to on a personal basis.

I admit that I do hold people responsible for their posts, whatever name they may be using.



N. Sands

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28 Jul 2010 11:55 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Well, Norman, looks like your fan club has decided to chip in.  Not that I object to that.  In fact, let me make it clear that I had nothing to do with your post being deleted.  Whilst I find your posts somewhat spiteful and believe that you jump in simply to wind people up, I would never request a post deleted simply because of that. In fact, I quite enjoy some of your Spracklish replies which you have put through the Google translator.  However, I do think some of the things you come out with are quite stupid.  For example, telling me to move to Herne Bay a couple of years ago as, of course, we all knew house prices and the pound would fall quite so much then, didn't we?  I also cannot believe that your little part of the country is such a high enclave of prices.  I did say the South East had not fallen as much as other places but that does not mean to say the rest of the country is not in a bad state.

You also fail to appreciate that, unlike you and others, my house in Spain is for living in therefore the price drop there does not affect me that much.  In fact, as I bought when the exchange rate was 1.45, the price in pounds in not much different to what I paid a few years ago.  Including taxes, that would have been about £160,000.  Taking into consideration the taxes to be paid on a resale property, there isn't much difference at all.

Prices in UK, however, do affect me.  I did try to post a light hearted bit about it's all my fault as prices go up when I'm buying and down when I'm selling.  However, you then jump in and spoil the lot in your normal, spiteful and downright rude manner.  Yes, we all know you have had problems.   You spend enough time telling us about them!  You also seem to have a downer on certain members of the forum who get exacerbated by your constant digging and hijacking of threads.  Well, that's what forums are all about.

Keep posting, Norman, just don't complain when your posts get the replies they deserve.  Your "poor little me, they is all picking upon I" responses may fool some of the people here but others can see through your attempts to spoil what should be an informative and helpful way of passing information on.

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28 Jul 2010 12:25 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear All,

there you have it once again.....

" I also cannot believe that your little part of the country is such a high enclave of prices."

He posts information, I accept it and post my local knowledge, he cannot accept it and refuses to believe it, Justin cannot swallow it either and deletes it.

What would convince them - sales particulars - copy contracts etc.???????????

Then tirades of nonsense about thread hi-jacks bitterness and complaints even the audacity to suggest that I am seeking his or anyone else's sympathy.

What possible value would sympathy be to me????????????????

The truth which I have posted before is that the market has caught all out.

His disastrous loss is in fact my financial gain he has lost 50% in Spain I only lost 30% and have not been meeting mortgage payments and community charges.

So why does he keep spinning these lies that I am seeking sympathy, does it somehow make him feel better.

In fact if I recover the deposit and reinvest it in a property close to him I will be "quids in".

If this simpleton can understand it why..............................???????????????????



(if not deleted)

N. Sands

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28 Jul 2010 12:33 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

That's it, Norman.  I gave you a chance but you can't take it.  I now refuse to reply to any of your stupid, vitriolic posts.  You don't even bother reading my replies so I will not give you the satisfaction of replying in future.  If, as you say, you should ever live anywhere near me then  I will sell for a massive loss and live in a workhouse.

(Please don't delete his posts, it shows him up for what a dummy he is).

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