community rules
The Comments |
like most communities we have a few issues with people breaking/abusing the one or two rules we have in place.
Is it legal to impose a fine subject to agreement at AGM to help act as deterrent. Generally we are very lucky and have great urbanisation but it always tend to be the debtors you break the rules.
If anyone knows whether "fining2 wrongdoers is ok or not please let me know
Could you not make them just pay for the damages - seems a bit easier than trying to impose fines whether legal or not.
If someone break something on purpose within a community can it not be classed as Criminal Damage.
Dedicated Property Management - Mazarron
If it is the debtors breaking the rules, how on earth are you going to get them to pay a fine if they won't pay thier Community Fees?
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Hi - we were advised by our Administrators that the only powers the community had was to fine people for late payment of their fees. All the other rules and regulations (we had 5 pages) are not worth the paper they are written on. Most communities seem to operate by threatening people who have no idea that they have no powers to enforce their rules.
If someone behaves really badly then the only recourse you have is to call the police!
_______________________ Claire
Getting people to observe these rules may cost the community money and commitment but they can be enforceable by the community. It depends on the community.
This message was last edited by Jann on 22/07/2010.
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