Too many brits in Spain (funny)

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21 Jul 2010 12:00 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 found his on the web,quite amusing.....but very true!!!

This message was last edited by georgia on 21/07/2010.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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22 Jul 2010 12:56 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

 Superb mate!  Thought that was so true!!!



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22 Jul 2010 2:32 AM by philevans Star rating in Axminster Devon & Sa.... 187 posts Send private message

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Apply it to the UK!!!!!


What you see is what you get 


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24 Jul 2010 1:03 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear All,

cripes, if there really is truth in this, it is enough to put you off sunshine.

it is of course true that living in mews style accommodation can be a joy but when a "bad egg" moves in it can become a misery.

neighbours are important.

recent parish council meetings have not been inspiring.

how do you tell your neighbour that her beloved cat is a menace in your garden?

how do you condition yourself not to hear their continually yapping dog?

It is all something to do with live and let live isn't it?



N. Sands

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24 Jul 2010 6:04 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

Hi Norman,

it is of course true that living in mews style accommodation can be a joy but when a "bad egg" moves in it can become a misery.

We had a rough, scumbag Spanish family move on to our urbanisation recently, which gave the urbanisation a bit of a council estate feel.  They thought they were untouchable because the were relatives of the Mayoress and one of the councellors.  They also had a friend in the local police as well.

Luckily they were only renting.   They were kicked out by the owners, so things are much better now.


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25 Jul 2010 1:51 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Hello Sanchez,

what do you make of Justin...........

 "Superb mate!  Thought that was so true!!!


is he really saying that all the urb' community problems are down to ex-pats?????????

the old cars and the visiting "swimmers" I saw at Casares were not down to ex-pats.

In your own case the tenant assumed corruption to be the norm, as presumably did the councillor, mayoress and policeman, again all presumably Spanish.

He also tells us that things are so desperately hard that the family almost returned to the UK despite their love of the country, but almost in the next sentence, all is easy part-time success with money flowing and holidays aplenty.

At least Techno is consistent, all is a breeze if you have the right skill set, but he does not reveal what the necessary skills are.

My problem is I am easily confused.




N. Sands

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25 Jul 2010 2:13 PM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

If you're ever confused, throw a pepper in the air. If it fails to come down, you have gone mad, so don't trust in anything.



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25 Jul 2010 5:45 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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"At least Techno is consistent, all is a breeze if you have the right skill set, but he does not reveal what the necessary skills are."

Norman, have you ever read my profile?

Also, I have discussed openly on this forum that I have over 25 years experience within the IT Industry.

"the old cars and the visiting "swimmers" I saw at Casares were not down to ex-pats."

That's funny! You mean to say you have failed to see all the illegal cars I see on the roads around this area, that are British Registered cars which are driven around without an MOT, Road Tax and Insurance? At least the beat up old Spanish cars are, for the vast majority, road legal.

As for visiting 'swimmers' I agree 100% with your view on the fact that come the weekend, a lot of pools are taken over by Spanish families that invade Urbanisation's and take the place over. However a good President would be able to resolve such an issue, peacefully and without prejudice.

I believe a lot of problems that ex-pats in Spain face are encountered solely because of their own unwillingness not to integrate into the Spanish way of life, the Spanish culture and especially the unwillingness to learn the language.

I speak of the ones that shout in English to the checkout staff in Supermarkets "I want another bag" and then walk off and disrespect the staff openly. It is at this later stage that I disrespect them, openly and to their face, that why should they expect staff in a Supermarket in Spain to understand English, when a lot of staff in British Supermarkets do not!

Would you expect a member of staff in a British Supermarket to understand Spanish? Would you expect a member of staff in a German Supermarket to understand English? etc, etc!

IMHO, most problems encountered by ex-pats are of their own making and their own inability to overcome them!

PS. And before anyone gives me a verbal bashing about corruption in Spain, I am NOT talking in this instance about property purchase in Spain.


This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 25/07/2010.


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25 Jul 2010 9:34 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

Hi Norman

is he really saying that all the urb' community problems are down to ex-pats?????????

You'll have to ask Justin that.  We haven't had too many problems since we moved onto our urbanizacion, but the problems we have had have mainly been with the Spaniards.

He also tells us that things are so desperately hard that the family almost returned to the UK despite their love of the country, but almost in the next sentence, all is easy part-time success with money flowing and holidays aplenty.

Not sure which post you are referring to. I don't think Justin works part time. In fact I'm pretty sure he's been in the office all weekend! 

I think most sensible people trying to earn a living in Spain will be thinking about or have thought about going back to the UK.  I think it's important to have a plan B.  The Spanish economy is forecast to have negative GDP growth this year, 0% growth next year and who knows beyond that.  That means unemployment will continue to rise and any recovery is at least 2 years away.  Meanwhile, the UK economy has been recovering very nicely indeed, and it looks like unemployment has peaked at 2.5 million.  It must be tempting to go back for the many struggling here in Spain.

I think even with the right skills set, the Costas are a pretty bleak place to earn a living at the moment.  If my wife can't find a decent job in Spain in the next 12 months, we'll end up moving back to the UK.  The sun, tapas, sea and laid back lifestyle are great, but what's the point if you can't find a job?!


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26 Jul 2010 12:18 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear All,

Techno is absolutely right when he points out my limited knowledge from afar, but I try to pick up from those who know and post, also from the pms I receive.

Sorry Techno I am afraid I misled you with the old car description, I should have said scrap.

I am afraid your profile claiming to be a nutty IT professor did not detail the skills to me and you were recently asked for IT detail by one poster.

As you know I never intended to buy on an urb' but on a holiday complex, the part of Casares I visited made me shudder.

I believe that those ex-pats on site are doing their best to improve the area, whether they are doing more than any resident Spanish I do not know. It would be great to hear that joint efforts were being made for the community. I believe that fences were being built around some pools but resident Spanish were leaving the gates open for their friends, which in a way reinforces Sanchez's post on general corruption.

There have been several other posts criticising the behaviour of ex-pats "seeking the sun and lifestyle on the cheap", nevertheless I was surprised to see Justin's ringing endorsement of the sweeping video description posted.

Justin's apparent u-turn was in his blog not a post. Perhaps he will explain further?

It may have been irrelevant to Justin but it was quite important to me to deny Techno's unfair suggestion that I do not wish to acknowledge Spanish ex-pat success. It is quite untrue and I thank him for not repeating it.






N. Sands

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26 Jul 2010 2:43 PM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 posts Send private message

The YOUTUBE video is scaringly familiar!

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26 Jul 2010 3:57 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

The comment made on the video sounds about right to me (quoted below), the video certainly represents how our urb is run by a Spanish president and committee.

"Sounds totally arse first to me, this is exactly what the Spanish do"



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26 Jul 2010 5:48 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 I posted this a little tongue in cheek but the more you think the more instances you think of when this runs true.

Fortunately, you can escape this to a certain degree.......

I could see a lot of Norman in Lord Nelson......

It could be worse i suppose.some of the traits being displayed in the UK  at the moment are shocking...i have just seen on the news 2 teenagers "happy slapping" a grandfather to death while his grandaughter looked horrific!!!

I will settle for the little lords and queenies anytime as long as that is left behind.............

can't wait for part 2.

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26 Jul 2010 7:06 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

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That video was fabulous!

Bet you never thought it would open this can of worms though eh?!

Why does something people put on here for a laugh, turn into member's slanging matches?

Oh well, I suppose they call it "healthy debate"



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27 Jul 2010 12:40 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 Hi Fibby,

To be honest, everything on here at the moment turns into a slanging match!!!

You can't even have a light hearted joke.

In all honesty i don't mind a healthy debate but when you get people posting irrelevant rantings trying to start a fight when they have never offered one word of advice it gets a little boring.


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