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27 Mar 2011 8:00 PM by Comadreja Star rating in the Sierra de Cadiz. 51 posts Send private message

Comadreja´s avatar

 If you live in an apartment block the chances are they will sneak back in from adjoining aprartments even if you have your own place fumigated.

Try spraying Cucal or Zum along all the skirtings, drains, round the edges of doors and windows, under the bath and the sink etc - basically, make a chemical barrier that they can't cross.  You'll have to do this every month or so.  Bleach alone won't kill then.  Seal any cracks and holes at the same time.

Remember also that they don't like light (which is why they are hiding under the bed), so if you get desperate, leave the lights on ...

O you could always r try this tip from Wikipedia:

"An inexpensive roach trap can easily be made from a deep smooth-walled jar with some roach food inside, placed with the top of the jar touching a wall or with sticks leading up to the top, so that the roaches can reach the opening. Once inside, they cannot climb back out. An inch or so of water or stale beer (by itself a roach attractant) will ensure they drown.  A bit of Vaseline can be smeared on the inside of the jar to enhance slipperiness. The method is sometimes called the "Vegas roach trap" after it was popularized by a Las Vegas-based TV station. This version of the trap uses coffee grounds and water."


This message was last edited by Comadreja on 27/03/2011.

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11 Oct 2013 11:15 AM by Corruption Star rating in Brighton. 2 posts Send private message

Cockroaches in Spain sorted out.

Cockroaches pest control and fumigation are part of the Safety and Environment schedule in each region subjected to a potential plague.

A cockroach can kill a baby and even an adult.

The taxes paid in Spain includes the fumigation service for free every three months by the local council.

The same way we pay to get the rubbish collected.
Or rat pest control.

If the local council makes you pay is that they keep both budget and private fees in their pockets.

Unscrupulous mayor will have a private pest control as it represent a juicy profit .

I have lived in Spain where temperature can reach 50ºC. No need to say that it is a region where cockroaches lives and grow and the risk of plagues like in horror movies exist.

I can tell you this for granted. There was not as many as nowadays.
I saw perhaps one or two in 15 years.

I returned to the village lately and found out fumigation is not done any more.
The entire village is distressed by it.

Why ....simply the local town hall do not apply the law.

Further more ...taxes we pay to Europe for more than ten years includes extra budget for pest control . That is to say that if one person is disabled and cockroaches get into the house despite the fumigation every three months it can be sorted just with a gp letter reporting why the person cannot clean the house properly.

So get it sorted and claim for your rights.

This message was last edited by Corruption on 11/10/2013.

Stand up for your rights. Bob Marley

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