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We've managed to complete two years returns ourselves but our bank, Cajamar, won't accept payment without the envelope and I assume it has to be the official one you get when you buy the forms from the tax office. Are there other banks who don't require the envelope or does anyone know a way around it?
Just when you thought you cracked it , something else changes......they don't make it easy do they.
We've never had trouble with needing envelopes with the 210 with Cambank, which isn't even our bank & we used two different Cambanks too. We have not yet submitted this year yet (for 2010)
I went to our bank BBVA with the completed forms( see previous posts) and they accepted them, scanned the sticker and deducted the payment from our account. However they did not want to send the original forms to the Hacienda, as they did in previous years. I asked them why and they said they dont know if the address I wrote on the envelope is correct and that it would be best that I bring the forms directly to the tax office myself if I want to be sure they get them.
For Elche tax office I wrote on the envelope:
Agencia Estatal de Administracion Tributaria de Elche - Codigo 03565, Delegacion de Alicante.( I also put a sticker on the envelope)
I guess I could have added : Calle Gabriel Miro, 32 , 03201 Elche However I did not know if the two codes ( 03505 and 03201) would cause confusion.
Since I have the time today I will bring it today to the tax office,however I would have preferred to just be able to mail it at the post office.
I am kind of worried for 2011, since the 2011 form does not have place for stickers for the bank to scan. I guess that has been sorted out?
"I am kind of worried for 2011, since the 2011 form does not have place for stickers for the bank to scan. I guess that has been sorted out?"
William, the info the tax office requires on the brand new form means an ID sticker is not necessary. Leswill said that somewhere, maybe on another forum I watch, after someone enquired. Seems wierd to me but apparently so!
If you haven't seen this before it will help you to fill in the new form WHEN we are required to do so, my husband found it very informative.
Thank you Morerosado. I will copy this info to have it ready for next year.
For those interested, I went to the tax office today in Elche to bring my forms and all went OK, except the envelope was not needed.
There is supposed to be a collaboration between banks and the AEAT for sending the forms to the tax office once payment has been made. Full list of banks is available on the AEAT website. However if your own bank do not 'collaborate' you can go to any other bank which does so and as long as you pay cash they will proceed with the payment and send it for you - you do not need to have an account with them. Often banks run out of the envelopes though and they will just give it back to the customer and tell them to sent it themselves, all well and good if you know where that should be!
As for the labels, they will not be used for 2011 forms onwards. The stickers only contain name, NIE number and a 4 digit code which issuedto you when your initial registration is made at the tax office. At present it is this code and your NIE which is entered by the bank onto their systems when taking payment. Next year the details entered online when completing the form will generate the necessary info for the banks in the top left hand corner of the forms before printing out.
Noted & saved, grateful thanks to you, Lesley. It has a different URL to the one I posted on 19 Mar 2011 10:51, looks like the form is (slightly ?) different. From an initial quick look it seems it's asking for the date the property was bought now too. (Tax office is checking if we've paid the taxes!!??!! , be very nervous some of you who aren't declaring!)
After I posted the old link to the 210 form which I'd saved & William02 said he filled the form in & submitted it at Elche tax office without a problem 22 March it would appear we could still use the old form??? As there is now a new form perhaps the tax office would not accept the old form but most of us do not go to the tax office but to a bank so .... they surely won't care as it's hardly their concern if we do it incorrectly or on a form that's been superseded.
Does anyone have an example of how to complete this or a translation?
Haven't paid any tax yet, is it 12 months from purchase or a particular day each year?
Marke - this tax is payable in arrears so this year you will pay 2010. This is calculated using the CV quoted on your IBI payment made September 2010.
Forgive me for using code but my brain won't translate it into the correct pronounciation. If you look at your IBI details you'll see what I'm talking about. It's not what you paid for your house but a value that the local council applies to each property.
The tax can be paid anytime in 2011, when my solicitor used to do it for me they always paid it in May but it can be paid as late as December.
If you do a search on here for 210 form there are instructions on how to fill in the form or you could talk to LESWILL who will do the form for you for a small charge.
The only amount on our Suma IBI bill for 2010 is the amount of tax we paid. How can we find out the cadastral value of our property? This will be our first year of paying this tax.
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...
Hi there
I am new on here so bear with me.
I am trying to use the link to the old 210 Form and I can get access to the form but am unable to fill it in on line.
Do I take it that it is only available to complete manually in which case I will need to do this 3 times for 3 copies ?
The old form is now back up and working (on the new link published in my last post) but you need to click the 'rellenar formulario' box first in top right hand corner to fill in online, then print it out.
Thanks for that Les, had a bit of a difficulty still getting access to type until I clicked on the "Valencia" box at the top but managed it in the end.
By the way, can anyone tell me why I cannot include "smilies" in my posts? It keeps telling me in red at the top that I can't include web links or email links ????
You guys are great! I went to the AEAT website today to complete my 2010 return. I have previously completed the 210 without problem and panicked when I couldn't find the form. I immediately went to the Forum and followed the link and have just completed my 210 Form for another year. Thanks again
Does anyone know if arrangements have been put in place to pay your wealth tax from a UK bank yet ? My brother is renting his property out there and does not want to go over just to pay his wealth tax which he normally does himself.
Are any banks in the UK set up to take payments yet ?
Spanish wealth tax was abolished from 1 January 2008. For technical reasons, the rate was set as zero and there was no longer a requirement to submit a return.
Sorry meant the non resident tax return which is submitted usually on Form 210.
Are there any banks in the Uk where this can be paid ?
Any UK bank which allows payments to foreign accounts will be able to process the payment. The problem in the past was that the Spanish tax office only allowed payment from Spanish banks. From March the system changed. Details of their account are given with the instructions on how to complete the new modelo 210 (available online), you also need to include the reference number from the top of the modelo 210 and send the tax office copy to Madrid. I would expect most UK banks to make a charge for payment to a euro account, best to check with individual banks.
This message was last edited by leswill on 14/06/2011.