The Comments |
One for Justin if you have time - or maybe it's just me? Some (not all) of the threads are not displaying properly for me in IE8. The "message" column is overlapping the "posted by" column, the "reply" and "start new thread" buttons look broken, and the "upgrade my account profile" at top right overlaps the navigation bar - oh, and the Google ads column on the left of the page is way down the page out of site (not that I care!) And sometimes the page won't fit the width of the browser, necessitating scrolling left and right (really irritating!) Haven't noticed any problems with other sites, or FF (although the width issue does occur sometimes in FF too) Anybody else noticed these issues?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
OK, solved the squiffiness - my IE8 was running in compatability mode; switched that off, everything appears normal. But the Google ads column on the left is still way down the page below all the posts - probably why they've never bothered me at all?!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Roberto
I'm using IE8 and I can't see any problems.
I think it might be your setting?
Try resetting IE8 back to default settings.
Tool > Internet Options > advanced.
_______________________ Soltec I.T Services.
I had the same problem yesterday on 2 threads and I'm using IE6. I don't think the problem was IE8 related. It just so happened that the 2 threads were adjacent. I could see all threads before and all threads after. Maybe there was a temporary update problem that caused it to lose the links?
I have IE8 and when signed in as me, or signed out and just a 'visitor' everything seems fine.
Noticed that Roberto was posting on here in the wee hours of the morning, he's not the only one skulking around here at that time you know! 
Therefore Roberto, in my humble conclusion, was vino and/or cerveza to blame?
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 27/01/2011.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Why use Internet Explorer?
There are safer and more secure systems that are better ie "Firefox"
I wouldnt bother with ie except for operating system updates.
_______________________ Chris.
Never, ever had any problems with IE.
Firefox also suffers from critical vulnerabilities, just as IE, Chrome.
The problem is that most users do not either check for updates for the browser they are using, or just apply updates without checking for any further 'known' issues prior to update!
With so many different variants of Windows still in use, plus the lackluster approach of most users to checking for routine system updates and security updates, then fixing a 'known' issue is precarious at best.
Hence why a lot of users don't update, and when they then try and install a new version of IE8, then their PC throws a major wobbly.
Then we have the average users lackluster approach to installing additional, 3rd party security software, leave alone keeping that software updated.
And people wonder when they come to me... "My PC was fine yesterday, now today is really, really slow." ....
Because it's full of Worms!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Some threads had definitely 'gone a bit squiffy' too for me (they didn't show any posts at all using IE6). I read them in Chrome instead but now I can see them in IE6! Thanks Justin. (No lectures about how IE6 is rubbish please, I like it!!)
Neil: the default settings "recover page layout errors in Compatability View", which may be the problem, because this site doesn't seem to like the Compatability View. Solution: switch it off!
Colin: don't know if you're tucked up in bed with your Horlicks by 1:30, but most of us are still wide awake and just getting started on the vino! 
Comanche: unless you are a stereotypical MS hater, there's no reason to avoid IE. I use it mainly on my desktop, because I have a 23" monitor and the toolbars on FF appear miniscule. On my laptop, I use FF.
Justin: switching off Compatability View solves the squiffiness, but the Google ads are not visible unless you scroll down past all the posts. Doesn't bother me, but may bother you!
This message was last edited by Roberto on 28/01/2011.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain