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We moved from Murcia area into the Alicante area a couple of years ago but have been returning to the tax office in Torre Pacheco to collect form to pay the car tax. Does anyone know where we go to change our address to pay our car tax in Pilar de la Horadada or closeby. When we asked in Pilar de la Horadada (Suma office) we were told we had to go and pay in Murcia region. When we asked in the office in Torre Pacheco we didn't understand the response. Also is it possible to pay car tax online?
You can pay your car suma by direct debit, normally on the demand there is a place on the bottom of the form where you can fill in your bank details. Makes life a lot easier, we had a similar problem and were told that we had to pay the suma in the area where we had purchased the car, however not too sure if that is exactly true thats why we opted to pay by dd.
This message was last edited by Toddie on 02/03/2011.
_______________________ Toddie
Tks Toddie - Think we will pay by dd then once we have collected this years form.
Also I have read somewhere today that some Town Halls overcharge car tax by as much as 100% due to miscalculating when they work out the horsepower of the vehicle. We have one petrol and one diesel. The car using diesel is a lot more tax. Does anyone know how to find out how much one should be paying for their vehicle tax?
This message was last edited by koyah on 02/03/2011.
Hi, Our diesel 1.9 Seat Toledo D reg is approx 86 euros per year, this has been the same price since new. Our petrol car is a Renualt Scenic, B reg the suma is roughly 48 euros. Hope that is of some help.
_______________________ Toddie
Interesting. We are paying 128euros for the 2ltr diesel. Like to know how they calculate it.
Here we just go in to the Ayuntamiento ( town hall ) give them the registration number & they'll print out a form for paying the tax. I assume that you have changed the vehicle to your new address at the trafico ? Vehicle tax is not a standard rate & varies from local council to local council within the same region. A 2,9 litre diesel is 170€ here & a1,8 diesel is 89€ & a 1,9 diesel 144€ . Once you get above 2litres the tax rises steeply. It is illegal to keep paying tax at an old address.
Todos somos Lorca.
Tks for that info - that explains the price we are paying then as it's a 2ltr. We haven't changed our address yet as we told them at the recaudation place in Torre Pacheco that we had moved to the Alicante region but they seemed disinterested and just gave us the form to pay at the bank. I need to find where the nearest Trafico place is then and change address.
Thank you for information. I have had a look at the site which is a useful site to be aware of. It does seem though that Alicante is the nearest office that we can use (100km). I was hoping to be able to change our address more locally. We live just outside Pilar de la Horadada.
No - Haven't been to local town hall as yet - only tried local Suma Office. Looked at the website again via your link but Pilar de la Horadada isn't listed as one of the places one can use a local office. Will ask at ayuntamiento in Pilar anyway. Thank you.
i know this sounds daft but i bought a car last year and havent a clue how to tax it. do they send out the certificate? do you have to go get it yourself? can you do it online? thank you
This message was last edited by beadso on 04/03/2011.
There is no tax disc as in UK, you will receive a SUMA bill which when paid you keep the stamped copy in with your documents. Depending on what you have opted to do, you will either receive the bill through the post or it can be paid by direct debit. If you purchased a new car the garage would or should have registered the car, if it is second hand then the documents should have been changed from the old owner to you at the traffico office ! When the car has it's ITV you will then have a sticker with the appropriate date and you then stick it on the windscreen.
_______________________ Toddie
My interpretation of the link that I sent is that the choice is yours, Town Hall or Traffico.
"Puede realizar el cambio de domicilio en su ayuntamiento o en la Jefatura provincial de tráfico. Consulte los Ayuntamientos disponibles."
Translates as
"You can make the address change in your municipality or provincial traffic. See the municipalities available."
The drop down list only refers to Traffico offices which is why I suggested the Town Hall as a first step.