The Comments |
I can't get over the current poor weather spell; I swear that it is probably more pleasant in the United Kingdom right now. It is freezing cold here in Torrevieja (well 13c actually). It is dreadfully overcast; the skies are battleship grey. Low cloud and threatening heavy rain. Think a lousy Monday in Ramsbottom and you have it in one.
Yet there's no one commenting. You are a hardy lot aren't you? Stiff upper lip? I have been commuting here for 12 years; living here nearly four and I don't remember weather so persistently uninspiring. It is tough on those flying in for a little warmth and sunshine. What is it like where you are? North of Madrid they were snowbound a day or so ago and Athens is suffering blizzards. It is a topsy-turvy weather world. Better here by the weekend I believe (and hope).

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
I was in Murcia on a 6 week break but came home last week when I spotted a reasonable flight two weeks ahead of plan.
Since then I've mowed the lawn,cleaned the windows,done a lot of spring cleaning and played golf on nice springlike days..
Spain in March is now off my agenda..Take the weather away and Spain has nothing to offer..
Been allright here until monday p.m. just got cloud now & a strong wind. prior to that it's been sunny & warm most days & I even managed to get a touch of heatstroke last week plastering a wall when I failed to realise my head was in the sun all the time !
Todos somos Lorca.
Last winter in western Andalucia it started raining just before Christmas and went on more or less continuously till the end of March. We had dreadful floods and landslips, with roads being completely washed away.
This year has been much, much better! Yes, there have been some cold and wet spells, but some wonderful warm spells too.
Mind you it was a bit strange yesterday leaving Wales in brilliant sunshine and arriving back to a cold, wet Spain.
QUOTE: "Take the weather away and Spain has nothing to offer.."
What ???? 
Huh! I might revise my relocation plans ..... not a lot know this but the Blanca (statistically) is warmer than the Sol by an average of 2c. Almeria, so I am led to believe, is officially the sunniest part of Europe.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
No! Whoever lead you to believe that is wrong... check the stats!
Seville in Andalucia has been nicknamed the"frying pan of Europe" for a very good reason. It is without doubt the sunniest spot in Spain, with an average of 2,928 hours of sun each year.
As for the weather this year thus far.... I've already got a serious tan from such a fabulous start to the year, and am glad to see some rain (I mean some!) as the garden needed it (unlike last year... extremely wet... but not normal by any means)
You can't knock 23 degrees celsius for a Saturday afternoon in Jerez during February (12th Feb - Circuito de Jerez).
What's a couple of weeks bad weather..... hmmm... 19 degrees celsius and raining... doesn't sound that bad to me! 
PS. Same day (12th Feb) in La Duquesa, Manilva it was 21 degrees celsius. This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 10/03/2011.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
The weather in San Pedro del Pinitar has been strange for the last year or so, usually we enjoy around 325 days of sunshine each year but over the last year it seems colder and wetter. Also we used to hold our AGM (in March) round the pool but in March 2010 and 2011 we held the AGM inside as we could not rely on the weather.
That said this region has so much to offer as does Spain as a whole so even when the weather is bad there is plenty to keep you occupied ;-)
I'm in Catalunya in the Burga Valley, a bit further north than a lot of you guys.
Compared to last winter, which was exceptionally bad, ( we had nearly a metre of snow at one time) this year has been really nice. Lots of sunshine and very little rain. Albeit today, it was bucketing down earlier, but it was really needed.
Ok, so you need to put a coat on now and then when working outside, but on the whole there are not too many days that are overcast. Spring and Autumn are really nice in Spain.
As my Swedish friend never tires of reminding me: 'There is no such thing as bad weather; only bad clothing.' She has a point but I still can't get enthusiastic about heavy snowfalls and sub zero temperatures. Anti-freeze here is a woolie-pullie. I love the simplicity of the hot weather. For years, as a seaman, all we ever wore was shorts and jungle wellies (flip flops). And a big smile of course.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
I've been in hot countries (Australia, Cyprus, Salalah, Belize etc) and I've been in cold countries (German winter, Falklands, S Georgia) and all I can say is, give me the hot countries every time.
Although we had a lovely February in Spain, March (so far) has been a bit of a disappointment. Never mind, back in UK now and looking forward to June to September in Spain.
This winter has been wetter and colder than i can remember for a long time, but the upside is all of our fruit tree's are loaded with blossom, fruit and nuts, the best ever !! So looking forward to a bumper crop this year thanks to the rain.
_______________________ Toddie