The Comments |
I have been commissioned to run a survey by an independent body into the presence of air conditioned glove boxes in cars. There has been recent debate into their practicality and thus I would like contributions from other members as to a)whether they have them and b) whether they use them and c) in the event they use them how useful and effective or not they have found them to be.
Rgds with tongue in cheek
Smiley -
Air-conditioned glove box - doesn't everyone have one?
The one in my Skoda Fabia keeps my chocolate snacks in perfect condition!
Not about air-conditioned glove boxes specifically, but about special features on cars.
I caught a snippet of 'Fifth Gear' on channel 5 this morning about a Lexus with lots of electronic gadgets and sensors. You can set one of the gadgets to reverse park your car into a line of cars for you (eat your heart out Reginald Molehusband!) and it does it! No hands on steering wheel, nothing! It just does it!
But it will cost you £71,000!
Had to check it wasn't April 1st before replying to this one, but since it isn't, I guess this must be a serious topic. Seems to me that, unless you are a "very small person" (you know what I mean, Denny Smiley), it will be impossible to determine the effectiveness of your air-conditioned glove box, since the moment you open it to check how cool it is, the ambient temperature of the car's interior will affect that of the glove box. It would be like trying to determine how efeective the car's a/c is, while the doors are open.
71K for automatic reverse parking? Is that with the Lexus included or not?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Smiley - think I'll get a commission to run a survey into your brain patterns - great - been missing your posts - switch on the air con, use up the fuel, warm up the planet and chill out the maps. Sounds like a good plan.
Not sure about usefulness but probably as important as climate controlled seats. I want as many gadgets as possible so where can I get one?
Well, how about an air-conditioned golf cart??? I tested one out at a local course here a couple of years ago and what a total waste of time! Can you imagine buggying around a desert course, in about 40°c, with a sort of "vacuum hose" shooting out cold air on the back of your neck (and only on the back of one of the occupants' necks, depending on where you positioned the nozzle!!)???? Great stuff!
Needless to say, they weren't actually put into service!! Something due to feedback, I'm told!!
About as useful as a chocolate teapot!!
My no-street-cred Renaulty Espace (5yrs old) has an air conditioned glove box, and it is FANTASTIC for keeping chocolate and diet coke cold, I sometimes use it for boring food like sandwiches and a pint of milk. At the moment its often stuffed with nappies, wipes and tissues, so not so much room for the chocolate, but it does keep the nappies and wipes nice and cool too. Wouldn't be without it; if I ever get to have a car that doesn't have to accommodate a flat-coated retriever and 2 small children and all their clobber, I'll definately be looking for cars with an AC glove box!!!
Actually, my leather driving gloves keep so kool in the "air conditioned glove box"
Is that what the glove box is for?
Am I being thick again?
So chic!
Time for bed me thinks.......................
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My air conditioned glovebox keeps the service manual and a couple of empty CD cases very cool, can't say that I've ever put anything alse in their, even on long trips. What happens when you park up somewhere hot for an hour and the thing is stuffed full of chocolate???
Has anyone else noticed that our esteemed Smiley asked the question & has now sat back & let us all run with the ball - what do you do with yours Smiles?????
I have my essential supply of polos in mine. For some reason can't turn the engine on without reaching for a polo - strange habit but could be worse 
D'you know - words really really fail me on this subject!!!!!!!!! Wots wrong with stopping at a bar for a long cool drink rather than worry about having an ac'd small box in your car - that you cant reach when your driving???
And what sad sod even thought of it in the first place (and why) - do you pay extra for it, is it part of the snap on kit????
Hey ho 
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
The reason for posting the question is that I happened to mention to someone that I had one in my car. It has never been used to my knowledge and I wasnt even sure where it was or how it worked - I was then the butt of relentless laughter at the fact that I had one and so I thought I would find out how many others had them - to be fair it will be a joke that runs and runs (hopefully along with the glove box) - it was supplied with the car and was not an optional extra - guess its one of those useless items (or perhaps not) that come with a lot of modern cars (such as heated seats here in Spain) although I have to say that my heated seats have on the odd occasion been used.
Smiley -
Pardon me for appearing dense, but, if you left the glove box open, in an air conditioned car, wouldn't that have the same effect? In fact, even leaving it closed in an air conditioned car would probably be satisfactory!
Living in the desert (well, maybe not for much longer with the amount of construction going on here!!), I must admit it's never been an option that would have sold me a car, or even be used!!
So, the real question is, Smiley, how much do you think this little gadget really cost you????? Ipod ready and digital climate control are much the norm and expected "standards" but I haven't actually heard of " air-conditioned glove box" as a "standard" marketable goody!!
But if it stops that chocolate teapot from melting ........
Look in any up to date VW and they are there - think its the same for most of the Krauts (apologies to any German members and nothing personal its just terminology) - wouldnt know if it works any better or worse than leaving the box open as I have never been arsed to try it but it seems some of the other forum members get good use out of theirs so perhaps it is worth even having one in the desert!! Didnt "cost" me anything as it was already there and no choice whether I could have it or not - would have cost me to have the frigging thing removed if I had been bothered about whether it had been there in the first place. Actually alll it is is a small vent in the box that can be opened to allolw chilled air in - think I might superglue it shut!!
Smiley -
Sorry Smiley, didn't mean to offend you! Just saying that it's not something that is advertised here as a selling point in a new car! And if there's anywhere that they can bump up the price of a vehicle with any such gadget like that, it's in the middle east!! I'm just about to buy a new one and an air-conditioned glove box certainly doesn't appear on the check list of sellable points!!
Maybe I've never noticed and I may already have one in my car! (I must check!!). Just saying that, at the end of the day, even standard items are paid for in the end price!!
Hiya babe it didnt offend me in the least - nothing does!! To be honest its a matter of supernatural indifference to me whether I have one or not - and when I bought the car it certainly wastn listed as an extra - whether they slapped 20 Euros on the price of the car or not for fitting the little hole in back of the glove box or not I have no idea - I bought the car 6 months old anyway and got a spanking deal on it so not too bothered either way.
Smiley -