Earthquake near Lorca Murcia

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12 May 2011 4:19 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I'm with Sue on this one.  When it's your time there's nothing you can do.

Live life and enjoy it.



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12 May 2011 5:08 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

I live in the suburbs of Lorca and although we did feel the earth shake violently at the 2nd tremor , neither mine nor any of the thousands of  properties in this area suffered damage. All but the most ancient buildings now having specialised earthquake foundations.

I understand the most damage was in the San Diego area of Lorca city where on the hillside behind the modernised wide thoroughfare are situated many ancient homesteads and narrow roads. Tourists wouldn´t know it existed. However I feel great empathy for the tragic loss of life and property therein.

Although Lorca has many  narrow streets there are lots of open paved areas and a lot of rebuilding so any danger should be minimalised now.

Likewise Murcia city. Where visitors go the main thoroughfares,some are 6 lane traffic wide, have many open spaces,modern shops and renovated ancient buildings of wondorous culture. Definately no reason for people to be afraid of visiting either city. 

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12 May 2011 5:12 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

There are in fact approximately 2,500 Earthquakes every year In Southern Spain. Most are so slight they cannot be felt and so go unnoticed. Earthquakes over 5 are rare - very rare. So any of you think of cancelling holiday please think again.

It is unlikely that another one will occur in the Murcia in the near future.

Cheers Pommers

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12 May 2011 5:21 PM by hairbear Star rating. 75 posts Send private message

The properties that were going to fall down, have done, so Lorca is probably safer now than it was before. It is a beautiful city (large town) with fantastic people, dont compound its problems by avoiding it.

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12 May 2011 7:39 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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 We didn't feel a thing here in Guardamar though we are nearer Lorca than Pommers, who is in Almoradi. 


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12 May 2011 7:55 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar


I've not been on for a while but the last time I saw you here you had decided not to post for a while due to some idiots having a big go at you.

Lovely to have you back!


Cheers Pommers

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12 May 2011 8:28 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Ah, thanks pommers. I haven't as much time these days as I had once & the 'idiots' (as you call some) have refrained lately.  I have posted occasionally if you look.

Are you going to the market Saturday?  Saturday wouldn't be Saturday for us without going to Almoradi market.


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12 May 2011 9:20 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

Yes - we go to the market most Saturday's to get our veg, have a coffeee (& the odd brandy) in the square and "people watch". My favourite pasttime! Maybe say hello one week?

Cheers Pommers

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12 May 2011 9:36 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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We try to get a table at Baressi or Barissi (I never can remember its name) next to an English one, after it. With the church on your left the street it's in is in front, the bar/cafe's around halfway down on the right. They do really strong Americano coffee with brown sugar, so much nicer than white. It has a very good tapas selection along the bar & little booths inside along the right hand wall with a restaurant through the back. Do you know it?

 Good thread drift this!


This message was last edited by morerosado on 12/05/2011.


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12 May 2011 9:39 PM by gemini11 Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

we were taking off from murcia airport at 18:55 last night and felt nothing after spending a week at our house 25 mins away from lorca and were horified when watching the 10 oclock news. we just want to say how sorry we are to all the people of lorca and our hearts go out to them they must have been terrified. we have been to lorca several times and in the castle and it is a fantastic city with so much to see and do, we love it there. we are due back in june, august and september and will not be put off going there at all. god bless all the people of lorca.

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13 May 2011 3:35 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Yes my heart goes out to these poor people.

We are still in Formentera at the moment and a few people said they tremor, we was in the barbers at the time and he had his tv blaring out, so we never noticed it. 

I hope they get all the help they need




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13 May 2011 4:45 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

I'm surprised not more were killed, thank goodness for small mercies. Lorca is the kind of place we would go for a day out from where our place is.

I shuddered to see the bell crash to the ground. My friend & neighbour, when we lived in Nottinghamshire, was on a weekend break to York in 2002. She was killed when a 55lb lump of stone broke off from an ornamental structure on the roof of All Saints Church and fell 35ft onto her head, nothing to do with an earthquake but they'd had bad storms. Passers by had to have counselling for what they witnessed. Debbie was 45.



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13 May 2011 7:50 PM by tonynault Star rating in Stockport & Cox!. 88 posts Send private message

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 Hi, can anybody living near Cox let me know if there has been any damage locally? Hopefully there is someone in Mirador de Vega who could look at our place in Sierra Sol! I've tried to contact a neighbour without success, I don't know if he's even there he was talking about going home last time we were out.

If anyone can help put our minds at rest we'd be grateful!



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13 May 2011 8:20 PM by flog-it Star rating in Campo de Ricote, Mur.... 125 posts Send private message

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 Cox? Stop worrying and get yourselves over here and enjoy the sun. The damage was all local to Lorca.

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13 May 2011 8:30 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Been in & around town today & it's not looking good at all. There was really nothing open whatsoever as they are still inspecting all the buildings.
The Architects & Surveyors have a colour coding scheme for damage;
Green – No danger to occupy
Yellow – The owners can enter to collect their valuables etc, but they may not stay as important building work is needed, or the property may be demolished
 Black, or in some cases Red – No entry at all because of the danger of immediate collapse.

Nearly 6 out of 10 buildings so far inspected all over town are yellow ,red or black. There's not many green at all.

For those of you who have visited Lorca & entered by coming off the autovia at j591 down to the fountain roundabout & turned left into the western end of town ( La Viña ), vast areas around here are to be demolished, including 2 out of the 4 apartment blocks on the left & possibly a 3rd. The opposite side of the road fares slightly better but behind is where the 3 story block collapsed ( they'll be looking at the construction of this as it wasn't that old ! )  The situation is no better at the eastern end of town with many buildings marked for demolition. Of the 3 mercadonas in town none are open ( The one in La Viña is quite likely to be demolished ), the old Eroski centro comercial San Diego is closed although the car park is being used for parking & the road by the main exit , has an emergency field hospital in it. The majority of the main street is closed off . The only supermarket, apart from some smaller ones that is open is the Eroski Parque Almenara ! Where I live in Campillo , quite close to the Parque Almenara, the small village supermarket had people queuing this morning !
 The Huerta de la Rueda where the thursday market is held is an emergency centre combined with rescue workers tents & accomodation & emergency food & water supplies.  There's quite a few around here that are likely to be demolished , including the Convento de religiosas Clarissas which is a building of historical importance & will obviously be rebuilt as it's  a listed building .

 No matter where you turned there were people taking what belongings they could carry from their apartments, those that were considered safe to enter, & loading them in cars & vans. Others could only look at buildings that are in imminent danger of collapse & no one is going to be allowed to enter & will be demolished along with everything inside.
In all honesty the amount of fachadas cracked, broken , some barely hanging on to buildings in every street you looked down , makes you wonder how they are allowing anyone to be in the town at all. We helped people carrying stuff to their car but they couldn't take everything& what's left they were hoping to be allowed back for.

The scale of the damage I found was far more than I was expecting , & there's not a part of the town that does not have vast amounts of buildings marked for demolition. If this had occurred in the UK I don't think they would be allowing anyone into the whole of the town , due to H&S, it's that bad . This is going to take many, many years to sort out.


Todos somos Lorca.

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13 May 2011 10:37 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

I saw on Spanisj news last night that they sadi 80% of buildings would need to be demolished.
Such a sad and unhappy end to what is a beautuful city!

I hope the people of Lorca, who are without homes and possessions get all the help they need.

My stypathies and thoughts are with you.

Cheers Pommers

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13 May 2011 10:42 PM by sevilla Star rating in Scunthorpe UK and a.... 8 posts Send private message

We have a villa 9 miles outside of Lorca and we are absolutely devastated for the people of Lorca. Lorca is a very beautiful historic town and the people are so warm and welcoming, there is no justice on this earth. We will be supplying as much help and support as we physically can. It is times like these when we all need to pull together and form one big community.  

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13 May 2011 10:44 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Must admit guslopez that I never realised myself until today just how much damage all of Lorca had endured especially when you consider that those of us living only minutes away on perimeter of the  town suffered little more than the ground moving beneath our feet.  It´s a tragedy.


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13 May 2011 11:17 PM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message

What a tragedy for the people of Lorca.  Ironically we were talking about going there during Semana Santa, when my daughter and her husband were staying with us, but went to Villena instead as it was closer. 

Gus, I think it's great that you have been able to go there and help people in person.  If anybody would like to make a donation, this is a link to do so:

I believe that an account has been set up in CajaMurcia too.  I will see if I can find out more if anybody would like to make a donation through the bank.



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain:

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14 May 2011 12:54 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message


Many people wont be insured because an earthquake is seen by some Insurance companies to "be an act of God". .

Already the Brits in my suburb of Lorca have sent food and are busy collecting funds but any extra help will be greatly appreciated.

There is also this


Wednesday, August 31 at 10:30pm - September 1 at 1:30am


More Info

Facilito informacion para toda aquella persona, empresa, u ong que quiera prestar apoyo a Lorca.
Tenemos necesidades de ropa, mantas, alimentación, alimentación infantil, medicamentos, y donativos económ...

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