Spanish youth rally in Madrid echoes Egypt protests

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18 May 2011 12:00 AM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

I was wondering how long before we would see these sort of protests in Spain.  Let's hope they stay peaceful..

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18 May 2011 5:55 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

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Yeah, I've been following this on the news. 

It's interesting how on twitter they are using hash tags with english words such as "yeswecamp" and "spanishrevolution".

It's rare that these sorts of protests end well but let's hope it does remain peaceful.



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18 May 2011 6:32 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

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I just found this on YouTube and it gives a good idea as to what's going on.

It was recorded on 15th of May which was the first day of protests.



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19 May 2011 9:29 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

This is looking like it could become quite big.  It's been spreading to other big cities like Barcelona, Sevilla, Cadiz and Valencia.


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20 May 2011 9:52 AM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Can we gain any hope for speedier reform of the Banks and the Justice system in Spain from this do you think? Or is that just wishful thinking?

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20 May 2011 12:29 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar

ads - don't be silly.  Civil unrest in the Middle East is generally speaking pro-democracy protest against a dictator.  The Madrid street party was mainly anarchist and communist opportunists exploiting the trend, in order to have a go at the government.   All a bit of fun and totally ineffective.  Don't hold your breath waiting for the UN resolution to bomb Zap's command headquarters in Madrid.

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20 May 2011 1:32 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

I've been watching the news in Spain and the people protesting look like ordinary young Spanish people who are desperate for work.


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20 May 2011 1:34 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

The authorities have just banned these protests in Spain, much like the North African and Middle Eastern dictatorships tried to do.

More details here.


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20 May 2011 3:09 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Jek , the youtube footage made reference to "we are not safe in politicians & banks hands", so reference was made to the Banks.

I, like Sanchez, hope it stays peaceful.

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20 May 2011 7:39 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar

Sanchez - of course they look like young people desperate for work.  That's because that's what the majority of them almost certainly are.  And of course they mention the banks ads because the banks were at the heart of the financial problems that triggered the global economic crisis that forced governments to react in a way that harmed employment and living standards.  But there is a huge difference between the dictatorships in the Middle East and the parliamentary democracy that is Spain.  People have been taking to the streets to protest in Spain for years - same in the UK and other democracies.  And they have a democratic solution - the ballot box.  That option was/is not available in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria etc.  And they might have no faith in politicians - so what do they want to replace them with?  The choice is simple.  It's either different politicians or no politicians.  So anarchy.  Chaos.  It is a protest from the impotent.  Nothing will change because of it.

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20 May 2011 9:49 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Just came back from one democraciareal, spanishrevolution event here in Algeciras: gorgeous!

civilized, pacific, throughtful, critical, risponsable, creative, hopeful, energizing, human, person-oriented...... EXCELLENT!



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



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20 May 2011 10:22 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 Sanchez the demonstration was banned only for Saturday May 21st.  The ban is based on the Election Laws that prohibits any sort of political propaganda or demostrations on the day before an Election Day because such a day receives the consideration of a Day of Reflection so that people can have a chance to consider who to vote for.

Of course demonstrators will not cease the demonstration on Saturday,  but this prohibition which was not made by the Government but by the Elections Board, is not at all similar to that of the Arab countries.  It only involves Saturday May 21st.

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