Palmera Properties / Inroal Andarax lost deposits

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26 May 2011 12:00 AM by King of Spain 999 Star rating. 44 posts Send private message

For anyone out there who put a deposit on the Andarax development that Inroal were to develop please contact me direct for an update

I am going over to Spain in the next few weeks and this case will be a subject of discussion to try to help those of us in this development and other similar Inroal developments in Almeria area. I have a meeting arrange with Maria de Castro and hopefully Inroal too.

Most people invested through Palmera Properties but I believe some also went other routes.



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02 Jun 2011 1:15 PM by anniemac:0) Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Hi there

Just noticed that you have one of the recent comment regarding anything to do with Palmera Properties. Im doing a bit of research on behalf of my sis and husband who got rumbled with Las Torres apartment and townhouses. I just thought Id look in to it as they are not computer friendly and am gobsmacked to see some of the feedback / comments etc. A lot of the posts etc on this matter seem to be older ones ie 2009 / 2010 being the most recent. Maybe you could shine a light on the situation and perhaps you know or have heard if anyone has had any joy or if this if worth pursuing??



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13 Aug 2011 4:06 AM by happy12 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Spam **

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20 Aug 2011 10:39 PM by raganp Star rating. 34 posts Send private message

There are hundreds of us waiting for a court hearing against Palmera Properties who have stolen millions from mugs like us!!! It has taken 7 years so far and still hoping.

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21 Aug 2011 10:13 AM by King of Spain 999 Star rating. 44 posts Send private message


I know, if we joined forces then it would put more pressure on. Whilst people are still as individuals I think each case is treat individually.

Not sure what we can do now but if you give me your details we can start to build up a list of people.

I know of many court hearings about this but I don't hear of any money back yet.

If interested send details to me direct on

I already have another group where a lot bought through Palmera and this is with the developer Inroal in Roquetas de Mar. So that is a good start but like you say there are so many out there it is really unbelievable that this apparent crime has been pulled off. I used the word crime because it appears that some of the money was never even forwarded to the developer as the deposit, and that includes mine I understand.



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21 Aug 2011 10:31 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Palmera was a real can of worms

So who exactly are you expecting will give you back your money?

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21 Aug 2011 6:06 PM by raganp Star rating. 34 posts Send private message

I am afraid all you can do is join the long line of people with lawyers who have put cases into the court in Torremolinos which is dealing with this[supposedly] We are told the hold ups are due to more and more cases still flooding in even after 7 years or so. The thieving director , who is on bail is still operating under a sneaky guise, and will no doubt plead poverty when or if it ever does come to a trial , so best you will get is a possible custodial sentence for him, but spain being spain , dont hold your breath.  

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22 Aug 2011 10:22 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message


Get in line - join the queue - I don't believe anyone taking a case against Palmera will ever see a cent!

In my opinion many lawyers are taking on hopeless cases and people are throwing good money after bad money. Unless the whole purpose is a pyrrhic victory and merely to see the owners behind bars.

I know there were many developments and I have not seen all contracts but the contracts I have seen would give those an extremely weak case and many lawyers refused such cases.

The problem was the manner in which Palmera operated and kept everything in house and many buying availed of their in-house legal service and deposits were paid direct to Palmera and not into a specified or designated account of the developer etc.


This message was last edited by Faro on 22/08/2011.

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22 Aug 2011 1:02 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

22 Aug 2011 5:04 PM by King of Spain 999 Star rating. 44 posts Send private message

Yes Done!

A long time ago now!




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19 Sep 2014 1:43 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

For anyone interested, we are starting to work for a case against Palmera Properties related financial institutions. Foe being ellegible for this type case you need to have a contract already cancelled.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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19 Sep 2014 3:09 PM by Conchi Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

I keep reading where people have won cases recently but has anyone actually got their deposits back, or their legal costs? As someone posted below 3 years ago. is it just throwing away more money.

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19 Sep 2014 3:30 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


If you used your money to cancel your off pla contract and you were succesful, that has not been  a bad expenditure of monmey.

This wil allow you now to perfom the final action before either related finantial institutions or conveyancing lawyer.

As a mater of fact, those who initially did not cancel their contracts have almost no possibilities now for a further claim against the Bank as, after recent understanding by the Supreme Court,  those who did not act for contract cancellation in reasonable time after the breach by developer,  have a questionable legitimation for the refund now


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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19 Sep 2014 3:56 PM by Papag Star rating in Leeds. 17 posts Send private message

I know of people who have gone down the legal path to try get their money back  however although they all won their cases in the Spainish courts aagainst Groupo Umbasa /Palmera properties re Amarion 111 in Almoradi none have had a penny back. All they have done is pay more legal fees adding to losses already built up. When the Lawyers start offering a no win no fee solution I will then attempt to get some of my money returned until then be staying well away from them.  

My old name was misty but for some reason couldn't log on under that name

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19 Sep 2014 5:37 PM by raganp Star rating. 34 posts Send private message

10 years of bullshit now, should have spent the money wasted on corrupt developers/agents lawyers/judges/backward and unfair practices on a hitman and taken out Gotardo Rodriguez and co years ago! Only by gettin him with a life or death ultimatum would you stand any chance of cash back! at least you would have revenge and some scant satisfaction, he won't even see jail!!!!!!! oh i am seriously ill now so! i will say what i like

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