How to complaining about Administrator and Presidents running of AGM

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30 May 2011 12:00 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

What is the proper way of complaining about a Management Company/Administrator and Presidents improper running of an AGM?

And who do we complain to?

When we believe that the AGM was not properly conducted in line with requirements

When we believe the Management Company & Presidents prevented a proper voting process to be undertaken

When we believe that the members present were given misleading and incorrect information to influence the outcomes of the meeting.

Thank you for your help.




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30 May 2011 3:55 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar



I would hope you have a copy of the by-laws of your residents' association.  These tend to be fairly comprehensive and will set out voting procedures, how meetings should be conducted and so forth.

There will be minutes of the meeting in question, so do ensure you have a copy of those.  Owners are entitled to have a copy of minutes.

Resolutions passed at meetings can be challenged, provided there are grounds for so doing.  I believe it would be best to consult a lawyer specialising in such matters, if you feel the problem is very serious.





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30 May 2011 6:37 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 If you just want to complain to try to prevent that this happens again in the future, then writing a letter to your President and Administrator and asking that your complaints and petition for reconsideration be put in the Agenda for the next Community Meeting, whether it is an AGM or an EGM.  In this way the rest of owners will at least be informed of your opinion on this matter and perhaps they will vote to reconsider the issue.  Make sure you ask that such reconsideration is also clearly stated in the Agenda,

Of course, this is no guarantee that the new voting will go the way you want but at least it gives you the chance to have the owners become  aware of what happened and this might be enough for the President to refrain from this type of thing in the future.

However, if you want to have the voting cancelled legally, then you have to challenge the voting and the resoutions passed in court.  If this is what you want to do, then you have to hire a lawyer preferrably one with experience in community issues.  In addition, you must have voted against the resolution and this vote must be stated as such in the minutes of the meeting to be able to legally challenge it.

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