How do I contact Ryanair?

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09 Jun 2011 12:00 AM by SpanishJack Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

I have booked a flight with Ryanair and now want to ad a junior family member.  Not possible on line as all under 16's must be accompanied by an adult.  My flight is booked so can not add my details again.  The website will not accept my grandson alone.  I have phoned all available Ryanair numbers but  1. Movistar tell me that all lines to UK are busy (for 2 hrs?) 2. The Spanish number tells me how much my call will cost, plays some music and cuts me off.  and 3. The Elche number for Ryanair just rings and rings.  Any Ideas.  If I can't contact them, my grandson will miss out on a visit to see his great grandmother.

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09 Jun 2011 4:37 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar

The procedure is that you buy a ticket on the same flight for your grandson showing him as an adult.  You then ring customer services with your and his flight booking details and they will link the two flights so that the child is travelling with you.  Contact number given for Spain is  00 44 871 2460011 - Spanish speaking - Calls cost £0.10 per minute plus international calling rates and network extras.  Our lines are open Mon - Fri, 08:00 – 20:00 CET, Sat 10:00 – 18:00 CET and Sun 10:00 – 17:00 CET.

 Calling from the UK, they give 0871 246 0000 - 10p per minute.  Calls from mobiles and other networks may cost more.
Our lines are open Mon - Fri, 9:00 - 19:00 GMT , Sat 10:00 – 17:00 GMT and Sun 11.00 – 17.00 GMT.

And, surprisingly given that it's Ryanair, they didn't charge me when I booked my 14 year old daughter onto a flight with an adult friend.


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09 Jun 2011 4:38 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

I did exactly the same!! I booked to fly back from East Mids to Alicante on 18th July then I wanted to add my granddaughter who is only 15. The site would not accept her as she is under 16.

When we went to UK a few weeks ago I called at the Ryanair desk at East Mids, they told me to book her on as an adult then call to see them at the desk when we fly and they will manually change the adult to accompanied child on reciept of my boarding pass which will prove she is with me.

They told me I could download her boarding pass no problem.

So I booked her out as an adult and 5 minutes later I booked her back ( with her Dad ) as a child!!

Job done!!    ( and there will be HELL let loose on 18th July at East Mids if I've been given duff info !!!!! )   

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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09 Jun 2011 5:57 PM by SpanishJack Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Thanks Jek & Karensun.  Job now done exactly as you suggested.  However, the whole process took me three hours as I am going one way with Ryanair and the other with BMI.  The Prob. was, using the numbers that you suggested, noone was answering.  Anyway all I need now is for my 6 year old grandson to change his mind and want to stay with Mummy!!!  Good luck on the way back Karensun.

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09 Jun 2011 6:11 PM by camille Star rating in West Yorkshire & Her.... 121 posts Send private message

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I'm having same problem trying to get in touch with Ryanair Been phoning them at different times for 3 days now & not got through or got through, put in a queue then cut off after a few mins! Trying to get info on taking a motorised disability scooter from UK to Cork it says on their website it's free to take one up to 32kg but Mums is 35kg so need to know if it can be taken, how much it will be & how do I book it on the flight? Really really stressing me out now

Any knowlege or ideas on the subject greatfully received!!!!!!!

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09 Jun 2011 9:02 PM by JHW Star rating. 0 posts

I have found them very efficient via e mail --perhaps you have to phone though!

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09 Jun 2011 9:05 PM by JHW Star rating. 0 posts

This message was last edited by JHW on 09/06/2011.

This message was last edited by JHW on 09/06/2011.

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10 Jun 2011 12:08 AM by taraleisure Star rating in Holmfirth. 294 posts Send private message

Send a fax to customer service- the number is on the web page.

They added and made alterations for me, free of charge, then confirmed it by email.





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11 Jun 2011 1:22 PM by pintor Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

I wouldn,t have anything more to do with this excuse for an airline, they charged me for 3boarding passes i had forgotten to print out £120, when I got home I called them,they said 2you should have gone to the hotel computer and printed them out", I didn,t stay in a hotel," well you should have found a computer in the airport and printed them", but I had 2 pensioners with me 87 & 90 and we had paid £10 each to check in when i booked at least maybe refund the £30 against the £120, cue laughing out loud 1and the phone was hung up. I tried in vain for 2 hours to speak to them again and I,m sure they have a way of identifying your number so they don,t answer. ever since I,ve travelled with other airlines and tell everyone who,ll listen what they,re like, they will never see another penny of my money as long as I live, if they were the only carrier going to Spain i,d Go on a ferry and drive down, the day they go out of business I,ll open a bottle and drink to them, then I,ll laugh out loud!!!.

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11 Jun 2011 2:43 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

How and why has this perfectly amiable thread turned into yet another ' lets slag off Ryanair ' rant ?

pintor, YOU forgot to print your boarding passes, YOU are responsible for doing this.

If you don't like the rules, if you forget to do what you have to, then you must accept the responsibility..................same rule goes for just about everything in life !

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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11 Jun 2011 3:09 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

I have to agree with Karensun on Pintor's situation (sorry, Pintor). Ryanair state that its the purchaser's responsibility for printing off their boarding cards and that there will be a cost if you dont.

Ryanair's customer service (telephone line) may be less helpful than some of the other airlines (my hubby had trouble getting through to them by phone once) but weve found that email queries have been responded to promptly


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11 Jun 2011 7:02 PM by SpanishJack Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

** Edited - Offensive. Please respect forum rules **

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11 Jun 2011 7:38 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

SpanishJack.............As you know nothing about me I find your post exceedingly rude.

I have been a member of this forum for about 6 years which goes some way to explaining the number of postings I have made...........not that I have any reason to explain myself to you.

I answered your post simply because I had been in a similar position myself and I thought my experience may help you.

I do not know why I am the recipient of such venom from you, especially as another poster agreed with me but did not merit a mention in your posting...................I got the lot !!

Anyway, I have broad shoulders and do not have major problems, but will answer posting to help if I am able ( which is what this forum is all about ).

I do not and never have ridiculed others and neither am I unsympathetic to other people's plights, but the fact remain the same, when booking a flight you can read the rules and you have to abide by them.

Perhaps I know you and have upset you in some other area? There must be a reason for your nastiness.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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11 Jun 2011 7:58 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Justin, the site owner of this forum doesn't tolerate personal remarks such as yours towards Karensun who went out of her way to advise you though she nor I nor anyone else needs to. forums are nothing without many members including Karensun & myself & many others who have been here years.

As for Pintor it is clear he had to print the boarding passes or face paying £40 per passenger, he has no gripe with Ryanair for that.

I suggest you apologise for your remarks.



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11 Jun 2011 8:07 PM by SpanishJack Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Apologies for any offence but agree was a bit harsh.  Not much time now but will reply in detail some other time.

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11 Jun 2011 9:35 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

 If that was a  ' bit harsh' I would hate, SpanishJack ,to be on the other end when you are being a lot harsh ! ! !  

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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12 Jun 2011 9:40 AM by camille Star rating in West Yorkshire & Her.... 121 posts Send private message

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Followed the advice from JHW sent Email & received a reply within 24 hours-VERY IMPRESSED!

I fly with Ryanair everytime I go to Spain (had a massive fallout with another airline over the ash cloud fiasco & won't use them again!) never had any grumbles at all. They are cheap if you follow the terms & conditions & have never let me down.

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12 Jun 2011 2:19 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 posts Send private message

smivs´s avatar

Ditto, if you play by the Ryanair rules they are the best value.   Could you please let me have the e-mail address as i always phone them which is not always the best



Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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12 Jun 2011 3:57 PM by SpanishJack Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

To Justin, Karensun and anyone else offended by my removed post, I would like to apologise for any offence taken.  To Karensun, I still fee that there was a distinct lack of sympathy in your reply to Pintor (Wend691 did at least apologise to him/her) and I would have thought that you could have sympathised with him over the aparently objectionable behaviour of the airline staff (especially as we don't know his age, confidence level and degree of computor literacy).  However, what is done is done and not worth prolonging.  I agree that my comments were extremely harsh and as I do not know you, were totally without foundation.  I am a regular contributor to sites where the language and retorts are much more direct (don't get involved in offensive language though) and in my haste to comment and support Pintor, who I also don't know, I let my heart rule my head. This I have tended to do when I feel that an underdog is being criticised.  I hope that this can be seen as an apology to all as I would like to post and receive contributions to civilised discussion on this site. 

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12 Jun 2011 4:28 PM by camille Star rating in West Yorkshire & Her.... 121 posts Send private message

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smivs, I contacted them via the contact us link but could only find a section under complaints where I could actually write something (the others sent me back to FAQ). Mine wasn't a complaint just an enquiry but it worked for me! If anyone does know the correct email address I would be happy to keep it for reference

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