British old age pensions

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11 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

Just listened to the Radio Talk Radio.A Lady by the Name of Chris Ward was Stating on their that the Old Age Pensioners increase, of nearly twenty pounds per week.has been stoped,they say they can stop this increase because the old age pensioners cannot do anything.but chris ward said their are 14 million of old age pensioners,and if they don't Vote for them they will never get in Office,The Old Age Pensioner now holds the Cards.So if we all Unite .We can tell them what we want,Prices keep on going up all the time .Heating, Food, which right now the Old Age Pensioner cannot Afford.,But with the increase Yes,So please go to www, to Contact Us put in your Names and Email Address and they will Contact You.Please help all your Fellow Men and Women.Who are in their later Years of  life.Who need your Help.Why should we go without the Politions don't take a Cut in their Wages or Golden Pension.

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11 Aug 2011 4:34 PM by Bigwilly Star rating in Spain of course. 118 posts Send private message

start a riot.

that will get you noticed.

a bit of looting down at the zimmer frame and walking stick store will make you fee better about it.

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11 Aug 2011 7:27 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Bigwillie  there is something very wrong with you. You need help

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11 Aug 2011 7:34 PM by Bigwilly Star rating in Spain of course. 118 posts Send private message

its not the first time thats been said

and i am sure it wont be the last ;)

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11 Aug 2011 7:41 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Get yourself some treatment

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11 Aug 2011 8:33 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 Yes, I don't necessarily disagree with that - but the original post makes no sense to me.  Can bob.dunford6  be a bit more clear about what he heard?   Are you talking about the Green paper proposals which would raise state pensions to around £140?   I have not heard anything - but then the news is full of other things!!!! 



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12 Aug 2011 3:53 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message

The original proposal was to increase the payment rate of the Basic State Retirement Pension to around £140 per week in some year in the future, for those who will have paid a lot more by way of NI or similar, for a lot longer, following changes to the system. It will, at the same time, abolish a raft of add-ons which, at present, could bring the current pension up to a good deal more than the basic rate of less then £100. Later it was calculated that the new rate was likely to be as "high" as £150. Naturally, like most  Con-Dem "promises", little will come the way of current OAPs.

I haven't heard of any specific proposals to cut back on the above plan, but by 2025 £150 ain't going to be much!!

There can be no cut-back in current pensions because the "triple lock" put in place in last budget. Even the current evil lot of billionaires are not stupid enough to dismay the older voters, a good many of whole are daft enough to vote Tory! Always remember, if you are poor, or old, or sick, or disabled, or unemployed, this lot will do you down!

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12 Aug 2011 4:44 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 That is what I had also understood - and I don't know where the increase of £20 per week came  from - that is what had me puzzled.  I did look at the site bob.dunford mentioned, and was no wiser.



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13 Aug 2011 1:11 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

you ask where is this money coming chris.ward said it was passed long ago .and is waiting in a holding bank but david cameron will not let it christine is trying to get enough registered to fight.and release this money oweing to as she said there are 14 million old age pensioners.who when voting comes hold all the cards if they unite.if you would like more answers then go to go to contact us.fill in the form .to register and christine will then get intouch with you.if we get enough members uniting.they will pick a day when television is on in the houses of parliment .ask their questions.and the news will be broadcast on newspapers.she has already has 100.000 registered more the better.i have been in touch this morning with age concern Spain .Greecs, France.who are very all can help.just go and is easy.nobody knew any thing about this money owing to us until she brought it up.what is it costing you to register.this is still a free country.

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13 Aug 2011 1:17 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 Oh ok - I understand now what you are referring to.  It is money ring fenced but invested - yes?



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13 Aug 2011 2:46 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Could this 20 pounds mentioned be something to do with extra money towards fuel, some oap´s  and those on benefits and low incomes are entitled to, when the weather is cold for a prolonged period of time. Which it most definately was last winter/spring.

Because I did read somewhere that although those entitled have claimed payment, which is worth up to 25 pounds per week it hasn´t paid.

Unless one  relocates outside of the EU , in which case a state pension remains as of that moment,  once agreed pensions can never be reduced.  Other "benefits" like that I have mentioned however are subject to the whim of the moment.   

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14 Aug 2011 2:38 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Floella:-- Quote   "Unless one relocates outside of the EU , in which case a state pension remains as of that moment, once agreed pensions can never be reduced."
Although this is generally correct,  there are a number of countries in addition to the EU., where UK pension are still index linked,Swtizerland,  Philippines and USA are but three.


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